[URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/fierysorceress/media/Digimon%20series/ADigimonLogo.jpg.html] [IMG]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x455/fierysorceress/Digimon%20series/ADigimonLogo.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [i]The Digi-World was going through strange weather patterns and it shifted almost daily. The great days of the Digi-Destined had ended and the Digimon were starting to forget what it was like to have peace. There were violent geological events all across the world. But what was more disturbing was that Digimon were disappearing. The Primary Village’s babies were the first to go and then the Digimon from the further reaches of the map. Most of the In-Training and Rookie Digimon were gone. No one had any idea how or why this was happening. The world was in chaos and needed help. The decision was finally made that the situation was dire. The Digi-World needed a new set of Digi-Destined. This is their story.[/i]