He had rather hoped his other duties would have waited a little, and perhaps come at him in an orderly fashion. Not all at once. Not now. [s]Not with her.[/s] But. He did say he would watch her back first. He did offer her the lead. And she’d let him. She’d let him. “Go!” The power of the divine, the battle of armies, bat his voice from the air as soon as it leaves his throat, but she will hear him. She [i]will[/i] hear him. “I’ve got your exit!” Go, brave mouse. Your wish awaits. And if the dark closes in around you, do not throw your life away in despair. Turn around. See the light, marking the path home. He will be waiting for you. [Dolce is certain something’s wrong here, and [b]Has a Bad Feeling About This:[/B] What’s the safest escape route? What’s the quickest escape route?] ******************************************** Vasilia stared at the empty space where a god once stood. Fury and sorrow alike stinging her eyes. “Oh. Brilliant." She mutters. "At least it’ll be a [i]short[/i] future of survival and hurt. With a finale ripped straight from the worst day of my life. Wonderful! What a [i]prize[/i] to look forward to. It’s a good thing all those years of agony were finally worth something. Can you imagine? If it all just ended with! With!” The old battlements wailed in anguish, as her claws slowly dug grooves into the stone. “As if I needed you to tell me I'm destined for failure. Read the bloody room next time, you miserable skeleton."