Lillian carefully bent down and picked up a discarded white glove once the Doctor's back was away from her. It was clearly Lucie's, and was most likely meant to signify she had already found the room then left once more. Knowing her, se was probably well on her way to finding the girl. Lily carefully rolled the glove up to make it as small and unnoticeable as possible and followed the Doctor and Adam, clenching the glove tight. She followed the men around, and eventually they all ended up in the middle courtyard of the building. Adam seemed lost in thought, and the Doctor was still in a panic. Lillian wandered around the courtyard looking for ways one might escape the facility, doing her best to think as a child might. The blueprints she stole helped her locate several small, and out of the way areas a child might hide in. Vents, ducts, grates; anything that would be an option for a child that an adult wouldn't consider, but nothing panned out. She thought back to her days as a child, hoping a memory might spark an idea. Having spent a great deal of time in asylums herself as a child she was no stranger to hiding in them and sneaking around. She once snuck from the 4th floor to the basement by climbing down a laundry shoot. A massively dangerous endeavor that almost broke her neck, but at the time it seemed perfectly fine. A spark went off in Lillian's mind. As an adult, you don't see the world the same as a child. Lily had taken that thought and focused on the physicality of it. Small, or low areas, that a child would be more likely to find because of their height, and fit in because of their size. But it wasn't just a physical difference, but a mental one as well. Children were more likely to attempt things that an adult wouldn't because they would deem it too dangerous. With that thought in mind she immediately began checking the large pipes that drain rain water collected from the roof directly into the sewer system. On the third pipe she checked, she found tiny muddy finger prints, and tiny muddy toe prints. The girl had clearly used the pipe to climb all the way up to the roof, what was odd however was the pipe in question was on the far east side of the building, which was farther from her room than she needed to go to get onto the roof. There was plenty of closer pipes. Before heading up the pipe, Lillian quickly checked under some bushes that ran along the walls under the windows. Sure enough, she found numerous indentations that could only have come from the hands, knees, and feet of a child. She had to move on her hands and knees as even for a child there was little space under the shrubbery. What was strange was there was no tell-tale signs the girl was wearing footwear or even clothes. One would expect to find indentations of the folds of fabric, or the fabrics cloth pattern in the mud. Lillian found no such patterns, however in the indentations that were most likely the girls knees, she found small scale like patters that were unmistakably skin. Either the girl made her journey in the nude, or she temporarily removed her garments for the dirtiest parts of the journey. Lillian furrowed her invisible brows at that thought as either option raised a great many concerns. She made a mental note to warn Adam he made need to sacrifice his coat once the girl was found. Not wanting to waste any more time Lily quickly climbed the drain pipe, a reasonably easy task for someone with no weight. At the top she lost sight of the muddy prints the girl was leaving as they were obscured by the speckled asphalt shingles that covered the roof. She made a bee line towards the nearest drain pipe on the front of the building, but found the roof partially overhung making the drain nigh impossible for someone with short arms to reach. The girl had already proven she was more than willing to subject herself to dangerous conditions, so it was always a possibility she had hung off the edge of the roof and swung to the pipe, but that seemed a touch too extreme —not to mention wouldn't work in reverse— so Lillian took a moment to mentally review the blue-prints she had copied the day previous. If the goal was to get from the roof to the ground as quickly as possible, there was one obvious candidate. When the building was first being designed, coal burning furnaces where going to be used to heat the facility. After the chimneys for the furnaces had been built they decided to switch to steam heating instead, so the chimney's became a purely aesthetic feature. They most likely would have sealed the unused architecture off, but it wouldn't be difficult for a crafty young child to figure out a way past that. To Lillian's surprise, they had 'sealed' the opening with a brass door. There was a small slit on the front for some kind of key or tool to open it. Lillian easily lifted the already unlocked door and looked down into the dark depths of the shoot and found herself both impressed and horrified. Right near the top just beyond the brass door a pipe as thick as her wrist had been jammed into the opening. Tied to it was a makeshift rope fashioned from the sashes of house coats and patient gowns. If anyone heavier than a child attempted to climb down there was no way the pipe would remain in place. Lily moved to climb down, but stopped as she heard the echo of Adam speaking loudly. She couldn't catch everything, but heard the words "My assistant" and " shall go" which were enough for her to realize Adam was warning her they were preparing to return to the parlor. Needing to know more but in a hurry, Lillian jumped into the dark tunnel. The brass door at the top remaining open gave a small amount of light, but it was still quite dark. Given that Lily had found the door closed it meant the girl had descended —and presumably ascended— the chimney in total darkness. The determination of the young girl was impressive. Lily landed a few seconds later at the bottom with a painless and almost inaudible thud. The bottom was totally dark, so she began searching the walls for something she expected to be there. Sure enough she quickly found another door, and pushed it open with ease as it too was unlocked already. It was a door specifically for chimney sweeps to use so all the coal dust would go outside rather than in. Once there was some light at the bottom Lillian noticed that the latch that was meant to keep the door closed —a thin, insubstantial, piece of iron— was badly bent out of place. A good few kicks from both legs of a child would be more than adequate to bend it. Lillian had managed to determine how the child kept escaping and returning without anyone ever noticing, but still had no clue where or why the girl was leaving, or why she kept returning. The best she could figure, the girl was headed somewhere east as it was the only thing that explained why the girl would go out of her way while trying to escape. Knowing she didn't have much longer before the Doctor and Adam returned, Lillian tossed Lucie' glove into a nearby bush and allowed herself to return to her body. One moment she was outside, the next she was back in her body doing her best to work out a knot that had formed in her back while her body sat unused. Once the knot was gone Lillian, for the first time in her life, wished there was a mirror near by to check her appearance. Though something she normally would never care about, she did not want to embarrass Adam by appearing disheveled. She checked her pockets to see if there was something shinny enough to use as a mirror as there was no such item in the parlor, and to her surprise found a small compact. She slid the protective and overly decorated ornate cover off and used the small mirror to adjust her hair and outfit. Satisfied she looked decently hoity she returned the mirror to her pocket, wondering how it got there. The most obvious answer was either Lucie or her mother had snuck it on her person. Though is was impossible to tell which as they both had similar tastes. Expensive. Lillian exited the parlor and as she was closing the door heard a gasp from behind her. She turned to find a familiar and rather corpulent nurse carrying a bundle of towels. Siobhan Walsh was head nurse — or perhaps more accurately former head nurse— of the Carlow Asylum in Ireland back when Lillian had been a patient. Though Lily had not gotten on with anyone there, she had especially disliked Siobhan as her world view on mental health was that 90% of those in the asylum were simply trying to get attention or a free bed and meals. Lily had performed more than one cruel prank on the woman before her family had her transferred to a different institute. Even while speaking German the woman had an impossibly thick Northen Irish accent. "Ah'knew it was odd I could smell pears so strongly in the halls. Never thought I'd see you again, and looking half decent too. "The woman looked Lillian up and down, moving the towels to under an arm so she could use the other arm to place a fist on her hip to make a show of the fact she was taken aback by Lillian's look. "Wearin' a proper dress, no stains or notin'. And makeup too! After all that resistance you had to even the tiniest attempt to make you look like a proper woman I thought I'd never see ya like this. So what happened? Did your father finally take mah advice and take a cane to you till you knocked off all that nonsense?" Walsh the Whale —a nickname Lillian exclusively referred to the woman as— had in fact made the cane suggestion to every member of Lillian's family on more than one occasion. Thankfully, Lillian's family had a good load more sense than the poor excuse for a health care provider that stood before her at that moment. Not wanting to cause a scene, Lily simply smiled, and nodded her head. She then made to leave when the other woman stopped her by grabbing her arm. "You fought me tooth and nail you did. Everyday." the woman had switched to speaking Gaelic. "You kicked, and screamed, and bit. Spat both medicine and food in mah face. And don't think I don't know it was you who kept sticking beehives in the tree by my favorite place to sit and eat. I don't know how you kept managing it but I know it was you." Lillian turned her head in an attempt to look ashamed, but really she did it so she could smile without Walsh seeing her. The beehives had in fact been Lillian's doing, a task that was rather easy when you didn't have a body that could be stung. What the other woman said next however wiped the smile, and any pleasant thought from Lily's head; it made her heart clench, and her skin go cold. "You're livin' proof that I was right to beat those nutters back at Carlow like I did. Attention seeking buggers the lot of you, and a cane is exactly what you all needed. After everything you put me through, you owe me. Send a letter to Carlow and tell them I was right so they give me mah job back and I can return to actually doing some good in this world. Its the least you can do, after what you put me through." Lillian responded to the woman by introducing the fat cow's left temple to her left elbow. The woman's head must have been made of boulders as the strike caused a shooting pain to travel through most of Lillian's body. It was however a successful hit as Walsh crumpled to the ground like a sack of potato's. "...damnit..." Lilly sad louder than she should have. As quick as she could, though not easy with the size of the nurse, Lillian dragged her across the ground back into the parlor. She found a spot off to the side that wasn't terribly noticeable and left Walsh there. She then quickly refolded the towels that had become unfolded when they were dropped to the ground post elbow-to-head, and placed them under Walsh's head to act as a pillow. As a final touch Lillian placed the nurses hands on her stomach, the effect being it now looked like the woman had decided to take a nap in the parlor. Though the sizable welt was bound to raise a few questions Lily reasoned there was nothing she could do about it on such short notice, and once again left the parlor. As she did she spotted Adam and the Doctor returning. She turned to face them and gave a small but properly respectful curtsy. The specific movement caused a small flare up of pain from her leg wounds, but was well received by the Doctor who gave an exacerbated nod in return. "Are you ready to depart Ad-Mr.Ware?" Her slip-up thankfully went unnoticed. Adam nodded and mentioned he had a hunch he desired the pair of them to look into. He and the Doctor made their final goodbyes, Adam assuring the other man that they would find the missing girl and that there was no need to panic any longer. Whether it was Adam's confidence in the statement, or the reputation of the Ware family, the Doctor seemed to immediately calm and acted as though because Adam had said it, it was now a certainty. One last round of good-byes were said, and Adam and Lily began to make off. However Lily stopped for a moment and addressed the Doctor "Oh and by the way, I thought you should know that before you and Mr.Ware arrived a rather rude nurse had entered and demanded I leave the parlor at once. She refused to give a reason, but made it quite clear I was to find somewhere else to await your return. I do hope your staff doesn't treat your patients, or their relatives, in such a manner." Lillian did not turn to see if Adam was doing anything, but could tell the Doctor was looking at him, rather than her, and he looked most worried. "A-ah!" he stammered "That is most unacceptable! We hired some new nurses the other day, must be one of the new gals. I can assure you such treatment will never happened again." he nodded matter-of-factly, and stood up straighter. Lillian smiled and nodded in return, then departed the asylum with Adam, extremely anxious to ask what their next plan was and to share what she had learned.