[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/99b2750631769e59b75ded789e4e9471.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr][center][img]https://c.tenor.com/O7-nEeY1qPUAAAAd/asgard-rainbow-bridge.gif[/img][/center][hr] [color=7ea7d8]"I heal quickly, typically anyway,"[/color] Pietro responded to Ed, wincing a bit from the pain. [color=7ea7d8]"Already poked the bone back in, though there is a problem with healing at super speed. If it heals wrong then it might have to get broken again in order to properly heal it... Which I don't know about you, but I don't think we really have time to set it properly, so that is going to be a pain to deal with later... Yeah, I know, I shouldn't be standing or walking on it, but we have other things to worry about currently right? We can fix a broken leg later, fixing us being dead or something is a hell of a lot harder."[/color] Yeah, it would be beyond obvious that the injury was bugging him, since he definitely wasn't putting much weight on it. So hopefully they didn't have to go racing around [i]too[/i] much right? [color=7ea7d8][i]"I'm fine Guina, I've had worse,"[/i][/color] Pietro said to everyone else over the telepathy thing, though his voice was a bit strained, since it did hurt a lot to him. [color=007236]"...I've always been sort of able to do it, thing is never really been needing to teleport across an actual field of flowers. All I really need though is a plant or something and since I carry plant seeds around, I typically can just pop there. Actually probably could teleport most places if I wanted to..."[/color] Mary responded to Guin with a bit of a shrug. Forseti [i]definitely[/i] was not thrilled by everything that was occurring. Annie's illusion would go off to Forseti, however it was more then a bit obvious that he didn't believe the illusion that she had created, more or less ignoring it. "Why fight against me Runa, really, you aren't much of a fighter anyway," he commented a bit coldly as he stood up off of the ground. He was getting beyond annoy, and to him, they all were essentially being pesky little flies. Forseti had been a bit hesitant to fight his sister, however he waved his hand slightly, and Runa went flying backwards, slamming into the ground rather hard. "Stay out of my way Runa," he added to her. His attention turned towards the three who were near him (Guin, Bethany and Mary) figuring that it might be best to deal with the more immediate threats. "Well, perhaps you all should stay out of things, and out of Asgard," he said to them, before he he seemed to create a bit of a tornado that surrounded them. Except the tornado was made out of fire. The flames weren't hurting the plant life (a bit weird still, but okay?), but they would all feel the heat of the flames. Not to mention the fact that they would start losing their grip on the ground if they didn't hold onto something. Mary instantly had vines spring up from the ground near all three of them, and managed to at least grab hold of one before the wind got too strong. Bethany and Guin would both be able to grab onto the ones she had sprung up near them, so that they weren't sent flying from the tornado. This was getting to be a bit of a problem considering the fact that Every so often, a bit of flames would fly out of the rest of the tornado and hit one of them, so they each were starting to get a few burns from this whole encounter currently. "I do not see how you all think you can stop me," Forseti said with a bit of a laugh. Now for the monsters, well more of just the one at this point. The ground shook as it moved from where it had been standing, and it lifted a clawed hand, and slammed it into the ground. Luckily for Annie, it just narrowly missed. Unluckily for Annie... It just barely missed her. The ground shook as a crater appeared on the ground, and it hit with enough force to throw her backwards again and onto the ground, this time when she hit the ground, Annie would end up with a rather large scrape along her arm from the landing. Yup, the group was getting beaten up more then a little bit, that much was obvious.