[center][hr][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3avBNbV.jpg[/img] [color=007236][b]Location:[/b][/color] Gotham City - Gotham National Bank [/center] [hr][hr] [center][@Jeff Jones], [@Midle1998][/center] As the officers in front of the bank were overseeing the situation, they would be surprised to see a blonde man wielding a sword offer his services in quelling the madness within. One of the officers - a middle-aged male with a bushy moustache - glanced over to give a bewildered look. [b][color=0072bc]"Sir!"[/color][/b] the officer barked with relative annoyance, [b][color=0072bc]"You're not supposed to be here! Step away and~!"[/color][/b] Before he could finish, he'd soon see the familiar face of Harvey Bullock come onto the scene, allowing the man into the fray. Just then, one of the Skullcrawlers rammed through the front doors and knocked several guards down the steps with a horrendous screech. Ky would then sprint towards the conflict, leaving the exasperated officer in the dust. As the Skullcrawler attempted to latch its prehensile tongue onto one of the fallen guards, he would be thwarted by Ky's intervention as his electrical blade sliced a long portion off his tongue! The hideous beast cried out in pain before attempting to lash out at the defender with his long toothy snout! [hr][hr] [center][@Chung][/center] As the skullcrawlers carrying the stolen funds barged out of the emergency exit, flanked by several armed thugs, they would find themselves stunned by someone crashing from the glass roof behind them. A boy descending from a yo-yo string? The thugs would be the first to point at the kid, followed by the growls coming from the reptilian beasts staring at his sudden appearance. After hearing a cocky remark towards their ego, Tandem would utilize a yo-yo trick to snatch two of the moneybags from the Skullcrawler's maws! One of the yo-yos would be unsuccessful, where the teeth would rip through the leather bags and spill out a volley of dollar bills onto the floor; but Tandem would successfully retrieve the other bag with little effort. The Skullcrawlers roared in rage as they snapped their jaws in rage. One of the grunts points at the kid, yelling [b][color=f7941d]"HEY! Don't let him get away!"[/color][/b] as the other grunts attempted to shoot Tandem. As one of the thugs quickly tried to scoop as much of the money as he could, the two Skullcrawlers scuttled after the kid with ravenous intent, rapidly gaining on his location! One would try to lash his tongue out to grab the boy and pull him into his mouth; attempting to make a morsel out of his insufferable presence. [hr][hr] [center][@Edyfum0][/center] As the rest attempted to follow after the boy, those still outside - 5 thugs and 1 other skullcrawlers - suddenly began hearing ominous singing lurked within the shadows. Unnerved by the situation, they took up a defensive formation - guns held high and snarling jaws open wide. [b][color=f7941d]"S-Show yourself!"[/color][/b] one of the thugs yelled with a tremble in his voice, followed by one of the beasts hissing aggressively. The voice that they heard was unlike anything they've heard - a deep, angry, monstrous tone that oozed maliciousness. The more the thugs waited in place, the more ticked they became. Yet as much as they wanted to commit flight, their inner consciousness told them to stand and fight. After all, they had one of those gnarly beasts guarding them. Surely it was enough to defend them against what stalked them in the dark alley. Or so they believed. The jet-black monstrosity lunged at them from the darkness with a menacing roar, bristled with sharp serrated teeth and a tongue rivaling the beast's own! The thugs screamed in terror as they opened fire with their semi-auto rifles, while the skullcrawler howled and lunged at Venom!