[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFXbKM0t-B4[/youtube] [hider=Setting the Scene/Background Lore] [i]Once House Loyce ruled Adanion as absolute masters with wisdom and strength. They forged a kingdom out of petty feifdoms and clan holdings, turning it into mighty kingdom whose influence could even determine which king could sit on the thrones of other nations. No one dared challenge the supremacy of Adanion and those who were foolish enough to attempt were dealt with swift, and mercilessly. But that was generations ago, before the line of inept and weak rulers, barely able to control their own holdings let alone a kingdom, became masters of House Loyce, leading the kingdom to slow ruin collimating in the Mad King, Colyt II. King Colyt II was a terror to both his subjects and his vassals. Where his forbearers were too weak to assert themselves over their vassal lords, Colyt eagerly send men and women, nobles and commoners, priests and knights to his dungeons who walls and floor were coated in blood. Forests of trees were replaced with grizzly forests of spikes which hundreds of suspected traitors and dissenters were impaled upon and the gallows were never without a new body to replace the previous brave fool who dared to speak against the mad king. King Colyt did not care for bloodlines and lineage, he only cared for blood spilled as every drop would solidify his tyrannical rule. But all was not lost for the kingdom as his firstborn, Crown Prince Daymian Loyce, was everything a kingdom could ever want in a ruler and the first "true" Loyce King in generations. He was strong and brave to a fault, yet gentle when needed and wise enough to know restraint. The noble houses favored him for his gregarious charm and handsome looks while the common masses adored his generous charity and willingness to try and defend them from the worst predations of his mad father for even as crazed that Colyt had become, he dare not strike his firstborn. Prince Daymian was a renown warrior, an erudite scholar, a master tactician, a genius administrator and stalwart friend to many. He was the light in the darkness as many believed that no matter what his father did, Prince Daymian would heal the land and mend the scars. If he ever rose to the throne, he was sure to be remembered as King Daymian the Great. But it was not to be. While traveling with his father one day, a bomb of manure, pitch and exotic "firesand" exploded under a bridge the royal carriage was traveling over. In an instant, Prince Daymian's glorious reign was over before it ever began, washed away in blood down the River Eliam. The Mad King and the Beloved Heir would both be killed by an unknown assailant, some claiming it to be from vengeful peasants or nobles angered by the execution of their kin, others speak that it was the work of the Twilight Choir, a revolutionary force that wishes to upend the old order. But without the prince having an heir of his own, the throne was claimed by two people in a struggle that will surely divide the realm at a time when it is the most vulnerable. Great Houses now play a delicate game of politics and favors as they all seek a new ruler for their broken land for all of the Great Houses have the potential of being...[/i] [/hider] [hr][hr][h1][b]K I N G M A K E R S[/b][/h1][h3][i][b]The Throne Alone[/b][/i][/h3] [url=https://discord.gg/HvhGbYvrPg]Link to Discord[/url][/center] [hr][hr] [h2]Greetings your highness[/h2] [indent]Welcome to Kingmakers, an RP about an empty throne, a kingdom on the brink of crisis, the ambitions of noble lords and the revolution that threatens to take them all. Inspired by Game of Thrones, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and @Wavy Wallaby’s Royal Invitation, the Kingdom of Adanion is on the edge of civil war after the beloved crown prince and heir to the throne was killed with his father the Mad King. Players will take the roles of Great Houses as they navigate an uncertain age of power and plots, putting their initial support behind one of two claimants. (If you're intimidated by the word wall, don't worry, if you know Game of Thrones, you probably can easily guess what most of this is and what's going to happen.) [hider=Sharles] [quote][b]Sharles of Bremerant[/b] is a very, very distant relative of the ruling House Loyce but was also the closet companion of Crown Prince Daymian and trusted confidant. He has rallied the supporters of the late prince, declaring his intent to carry out the reforms and fair laws that Daymian had championed, proclaiming that his kindness will heal the realm of the wounds left by King Colyt II the Mad. He seeks to give power to the smallfolk and lesser nobles, taking the power and influence of the Great Houses and spreading it around. However, some worry that Sharles is too naive to be an effective ruler. He has grown up sheltered and spoiled by the very riches of nobility he now seeks to give away, a plan which understandably has many nobles worried. He is easily swayed and often indecisive but worst of all, he stubbornly refuses to believe that the Twilight Choir is not planning for a violent revolution and overthrow of the Monarchy and Great Houses, unable to comprehend their reasoning for revolution to begin with.[/quote] [/hider] [hider=Anyamara] [quote][b]Anyamara the Bastard Maiden[/b] is the illegitimate daughter of King Colyt II and an unwilling serving girl but was also close with Crown Prince Daymian, looking up to his strength of arms and of conviction. She believes that Daymian had all the qualities a true king of House Loyce would have and is a firm believer in tradition, the power of the monarchy and the Church of Twin Faith. Her supporters proclaim her Queen Omera reborn, a woman with the drive and the vision to shape the kingdom anew and the only one capable of destroying the Twilight Choir. And her supporters are loyal indeed for she generously rewards those by her side. However, Anyamara has some worrying tendencies. The firm but gentle nature of Daymian does not show on her, but instead the absolute conviction in righteousness that characterized King Colyt II’s early reign. While her violent outbursts have yet to reach the levels of madness, there is a rumor that King Colyt’s mad blood runs through her veins and it only a matter of time before her heart is taken by it. She is known to be utterly ruthless and favors extremely brutal retaliation against her enemies, taking many of her torture and execution methods directly from the Mad King.[/quote] [/hider] Neither claimant has any true claim to the throne nor are as favorably seen as Prince Daymian. Yet as there are no other children and there are no other claimants who have managed to push any claim as far as they have, they are effectively the only two options. They are meant to be imperfect and not the ideal candidate for the throne: Crown Prince Daymian was. Every PC House must declare for one cause or the other, how much they actually support it and how fervently they believe in it is up to them but there is one rule every noble knows by heart: duty to [b]your[/b] house triumphs over every other concern.[/indent] [h2]Rules and Expectations[/h2] [indent][list][*]Standard Guild Rules apply [*]No Metagaming. This is going to be important since any “secret plots” are going to be discussed OOC, the only secrets should be IC. Your character should not know anything they wouldn’t be able to. [*]Do not “play to win”. While IC characters might be at each other’s throats, the only way to “win” OOC is to work together to make an interesting story. [*]Be nice to other Players. If you plan on killing or attacking someone’s character IC, it must be discussed in depth with them and agreed upon. [*]Be nice to the GM. There’s a lot of moving parts I need to keep track in terms of NPCs and background events, please forgive me if I forget something or stumble on something. [*]Everyone keeps track of their own relationships. Who they are friends with, who they are lovers with, who do they hate, this is everyone (including me) has a quick reference. [*]Every IC post should have a summary or tl;dr at a hider in the bottom so people can quickly reference the most important points of your post when looking back. [*]Writing expectations are Casual, you can have a post that’s just a paragraph or two. The Advanced part comes from the lore and the complexity of trying to play politics. [*]Please put all character sheets in the OOC first before moving them over. This includes even people who posted sheets on the interest check. [*]If you are playing as a [b]VASSAL[/b] then your sheet also needs the approval of your liege's player's approval. [/list] [/indent] [h2]Great Houses and Adanion[/h2] [indent]The Kingdom of Adanion follows a feudal heirarchy of lieges and vassals. At the top is the [b]King[/b] known formally as the High King and Protector of Adanion. Below the King are the [b]Archdukes[/b] and [b]Dukes[/b]. Archdukes each rule one of the seven provinces or regions (The Crownmark, Arbormark, Frostmark, Mistland, Western Marches, Stormlands and Wildwood) and are always Great Houses, often those who have ties either to a ruler or king of a First Tribe or were a part of Adandum's host when he first invaded the land. Traditionally the Crownmark has always been held by House Loyce either directly by the ruling King or by another family member under rare circumstances. Dukes rule portions of provinces in the name of Archdukes and while most are simply noble houses, a few have gained enough power, wealth or influence to have been named Great Houses in their own right, much to the contention of the Archdukes. Starting the top of lesser nobility, [b]Counts[/b] serve under Dukes and administer smaller parcels of land or even individual cities or towns should the city be important (or rich) enough. Under the Counts are the lowest and most numerous lesser nobles, the [b]Viscounts[/b] and the [b]Knights[/b]. They are two sides of the same coin with Viscounts are those who have shown great aptitude for administration or management of land while Knights are those who have shown great martial prowess and honor. Viscounts and Knight titles are not automatically inherited by the children of the title-holders and instead must be "renewed" each generation with this renewl more common among Knights than Viscounts. While typically unladed, some have been granted lands in addition to their titles with some Counts and even Dukes tracing a lineage back to a Viscount or Knight. [b][center]King > Archduke > Duke > Count > Viscount/Knight > Smallfolk[/center][/b] The setting of Adandion and this RP can best be described as "fictional over fantastical". There is no magic in this world or elves and dwarves, anything that is seen as magical or mythical is either superstition or ignorance/a lack of understanding. For example, a "cursed/blessed" bloodline is not actually cursed and there no magic in the blood, what is actually happening is a combination of self-reinforcing belief and possibly a genetic mutation that is being passed on. While there may be some strange and mythical creatures and items like poisons milked from basilisk lizards, manticore hounds born of dogs and lions, and giant hundred armed squids, there is nothing like a fire breathing dragons. This is why Andandum/House Lowyce conquered the realm through strength of arms and excellent administrative governance instead of wizardry and magic swords. The time period is roughly high/late medieval with gunpowder (also called "firesand" in this world) being an extremely expensive rarity seen as more of a novelty than anything; its use in the assassination of the King and Crown Prince is the first real use of it in violent capacity in Adandion. Knights and armored horsemen are still seen as the pinnacle of warfare as they have been for the hundreds of years. [h3]Court Council[/h3] [indent]The king does not rule alone and sits atop a large bureaucracy of scribes, ministers and inspectors. The most important are the Council Court, a powerful body made of advisors and delegates. Being granted a position is seen as a great honor, and being forced off is also seen as a great insult in most cases. While nobles of Great Houses are the most often picked if for no other reason than politics, sometimes lesser nobles or even talented smallfolk have been elevated to the council, much to the chagrin of the Great Houses. If you wish to have previously occupied one of these positions under King Colyt II, please talk to me, the GM, first before putting it on your sheet. [hider=Positions] [b]Crownkeeper [/b]– Chief Advisor and Hand of the King, they are the proxy for the King’s authority when the King isn’t available. They are also master of laws, enforcing old laws, suggesting new ones and commanding the town guard of the capital to arrest criminals and oversee the jails and justice. Comes from a Loyst tradition of having someone keep the King’s crown safe while they were away on campaign. [b]Master Minister [/b]– Minster of the Interior responsible for the kingdom’s finances, trade and feudal obligations. They oversee the scribes that keep these things in order. The heavy responsibilities of this role has lead all but the most capable to subdivide their duties with a trusted friend or family member. [b]Grand Marshal [/b]– Master of War who inspects levies and defenses, advises on military matters, makes sures that knights know how to hold a sword, maintaining and creating ships for the royal fleet and leading expeditions when the King is unable. A disproportionate number of lords from the Western Marches have filled this role as their lands are the most militarily active in the realm. [b]Master Archivist[/b] – Master of Intelligence and Secrets who gather, keep and store secrets, plots and information in the Royal Archive while also being their custodians. The Archives are the repository of all knowledge and over time this included clandestine and shadowy secrets, turning a simple custodian role into one of great importance. [b]Royal Cleric[/b] – Religious advisor and liaison between the crown and the church. They ensure good morals of the court and minister to the faith of the royal family to ensure wise and just rulership. How often this actually happens differs between Clerics as some have been firebrand zealots that annoy the crown while others only pay lip service to the Master and Mistress while indulging in court riches much to the anger of the church. [/hider][/indent] [/indent] [h2]MAP[/h2] [indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uGzekOt.png[/img] White = Natural Terrain | Blue = Body of Water | Green = Region [hider=Raw Map (no markings)] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cBzklh6.png[/img] [/hider][/center] [hider=Archduchies (Regions)] [b]Mistlands[/b] - The northern most region of Adanion, it is a hilly tundra where few animals venture and only the heartiest of roots and oats can grow in the poor cold soil. What little farm land there is can be found in pockets of ground where the frost can melt or on the lower levels of the Misty Cliffs. The Cliffs however are much more bountiful than the eastern Mountains, providing coal and iron and stone allowing for the construction of much tougher castles than their poor economics would otherwise allow. There are more castle along the border of Westmarch, officially there to protect the lands from the occasional nomad warband that wanders northwards. [hr][b]Frostmark[/b] - The coldest land bordered by the Great Bastion Mountains and sharing the vital Cradlespring Lake that feeds the most important river in Adanion with the Mistlands. It is a boreal tundra with interspersed boreal bogs, sharing in the poverty with the Mistlands, its economy relying on the trade of furs, hides, pelts and ice to other noble families who are willing to pay great sums for it during the summer months. Its people survive on fish and snowberries they plant around their fields of tough roots and oats to ward off herbivores who find its strong scent overwhelming. [hr][b]Crownmark[/b] - The most centrally located region and the seat of power in Adanion, sitting between the Splitstream and the Farwater rivers. It is a trade hub of the kingdom and where much of its wealth is funneled into. It has fertile land for vegetables, grain and fruits that are turned in famous wines and vintages while its ability to access all the raw resources of the kingdom grants it the largest population of tradesmen and craftsmen in the realm, even if most of its production is split between military equipment for Westmarch and jewelry for the Great Houses. Uniquely its roads and bridges are paved and well kept, an obvious sign of the capital's wealth. [hr][b]Westmarch[/b] - The largest of all the regions and important in the defense of the realm. Houses of Westmarch are typically called "Marcher Lords" or "Marquis" instead of simply "Lords" as they are charged with defending against the many nomadic tribes who raid and assail the kingdom. Every settlement has fortifications and defense for this reason, from the largest of towns to the smallest of hamlets, its martially minded people can live great distances from each other. While okay for farming, its vast empty spaces are more commonly used for herding animals, while it manages trade with some of the more hospitable nomads or even the rare and exotic merchants from the distant rajas, kingdoms and empires beyond the Timeless Steppes. [hr][b]Arbormark[/b] - Despite its name, the majority of its forest are actually the overflow of the forests and jungles of the Wildwood. Instead, Arbormark is known its farmlands that are even more bountiful than Crownmark and the banks of the Farwater River which they use to grow sweetreeds and collect clay for bricks and pottery. Arbormark nobles have long standing feuds with nobles of the Wildwood, some stretching back before Adandum's conquest, usually over control and ownership (and taxation rights) of the Archgates. [hr][b]Stormlands[/b] - Named for the seaborn storms that routinely wash over the land or even flood it, the Stormlands can flip between a beautifully sunny coast to a terrifying thunderous storm in minutes. It is the second wealthiest region (and also thus the most heavily taxed) in Adanion due to a combination of good soil with plentiful rain (or too much rain), the precious minerals and ores of the Dragon's Graveyard and the ports that connect the kingdom to the world beyond the Starry Sea. Unique among the kingdom, its said that almost everyone from beggar to noble in the Stormland knows how to swim and they field specialized "Marine-at-Arms" to protect the ships and trade ports. [hr][b]Wildwood[/b] - The region that held out against House Loyce the longest due to its easily defendable terrain; the Archgates are a defender's dream and the waters around it are treacherous at the best of times. Due to the pocket of mountain it exists in, its radically different than the rest of the kingdom. Hotter and wetter due to trapped moisture, the entire region is covered in dense forests and jungle. Some of the villages are built on stilts or even in treetops to get off the wet, marshy and often dangerous ground. Many believe the Wildwood to be too different than the rest of the kingdom for its people and nobles to be considered Adanion, a claim the Wildwoods disputes through loyalty to House Loyce time and time again. Trade with the outside world however is much more limited than in the Stormlands, largely because the same dangerous waters that defend its coast makes trading difficult especially with the much calmer (and richer) Stormlands close by.[/hider] [hider=Important Natural Landmarks] [b]Misty Cliffs[/b] - Sheet rocky cliffs with natural terraces and plateaus going up like giant stairs. Popular legend states that once they were stairs leading up to the palace of ancient giants. Its slightly warmer than the Bastion Mountains with waterfalls and rivers commonly rushing over ledges to make a beautiful sight. Its currently unknown how many "levels" there are, the most populated levels are the first three with the highest inhabited level being the 5th while explorers have found ways up to the 22nd level but the cliffs stretch above the clouds. [hr][b]Timeless Steppes[/b] - A seemingly endless grassland steppe dominated by nomadic tribes and their herds who have changed little since the time of Adandum's Conquest. Named so as its said a non-nomad who ventures into it will quickly loose any sense of time or direction as they get lost in the seemingly infinite flat steppes. [hr][b]Dragon's Graveyard[/b] - A smaller yet even more brutal range of mountains than the Great Bastions. According to myth, once dragons lived in the mountains, hoarding vast riches until they offended an old god of stone who in revenge raised the mountains into sharp points to tear the dragon's wings and gore them midflight while dragging their treasure hoards into the earth. A fanciful tale for sure but it has been used to explain the mineral wealth in them as well as the giant, mysterious "magical" bones that are routinely dug up. (Actually just dinosaur bones.) [hr][b]The Starry Sea[/b] - A vast blue sea, named so as during the clearest nights one can see the entire heaven of stars reflected upon its surface. Sometimes, stars will even fall from the sky into the sea and its said that those who find the fallen stars will be granted their greatest wish. [hr][b]Bastion Mountains[/b] - Vast, impassible mountain ranges that completely cut off Adanion from the other side. Few Adanions even realize there are other kingdoms beyond the mountains but even those who do can't agree on which Adandum was exiled from. The Lesser Bastion Mountain is also called the "Mountain Arm" as it splits off dramatically from the rest of the range. They also extend along the coast east of the Wildwood with only sparse fishing villages and pirate outposts along its shore. [hr][b]The Archgates[/b] - A trio of huge natural rock formations that leave massive openings in the mountains that are easily defended and heavily fortified. Some of the most defensible castles are built into the Archgate and are fought over fiercely by both Arbormark and the Wildwood as they are the only reliable routes out of the Wildwood. They are also the reason why the Wildwood was the last region added to the kingdom, unable to be bested in combat, House Loyce would eventually bring it into the kingdom through marriage instead. [hr][b]Cradlespring Lake[/b] - Perhaps the most important waterway in Adanion, its entirely encapsulated by the impassable mountains. Fed through underground springs and mountain streams, it feeds the Farwater and Twinsplit Rivers. Nearby hotsprings have made for excellent winter lodgings and even saunas. Just like with the Archgates and Arbormark and the Wildwood, both Frostmark and the Mistlands contest the few bridges over the Farwater River that divides their territory.[/hider][/indent] [h2]LORE[/h2] [indent][b]HISTORY OF ADANION[/b] [quote][i]How Adandum the Exile lead the Loyst through the mountains to create a new kingdom and become King Adandum of Adanion with steel.AAnd how his daughter Queen Omera kept it together with ink.[/i][/quote] [hider=My Hider] “House Loyce is Adanion and Adanion is House Loyce.” For over 500 years those words have been an absolute truth as the kingdom is named after the founder of House Lowyce, Adandum the Exile. 500 years ago, Adandum lead an army of men, women and children away from a now forgotten kingdom over the mountains. Stories differ if he was escaping some disaster, or he had been exiled for some crime but it does not matter. What does is that Adandum some how found a passage through the impenetrable Great Bastion Mountains and lead his people through. Once they had arrived on the otherside, he had the passage blocked with heavy stone and ice so no one would think of trying to go back. Adandum had declared he would either found a new home for his people here, or he would be found dead on the battlefield with a sword in hand. Before Adandum, the land they had arrived in hand a hundred different names by a hundred different tribes. The First Tribes as they are now known, they fought and allied each other for untold generations in tribal conflicts, raids and blood feuds but none of them ever managed to carve out a realm large enough to rule the entire land until Adandum. He and the “Loyst” had brought with them steel weapons and armor and mounted warriors with lances clad in plate. Although uncommon among all but the most advanced First Tribes, the power of steel was known and used by them but none had it in the quantities or qualities that the Loyst had taken with them from their homeland. Adandum proved to be every bit the warrior the Loyst hoped he would be, leading stunning campaigns against the cheiftans and warlords of the First Tribes, bringing all of them to heel one by one. Conquering the north first, he moved his way south where resistances became fierce as more knew his name and his intent yet it did not stop him. As his victories grew, so did those who willingly bent the knee and allied with him, impressed with the Loyst King’s martial skills and commanding prowess. Until he finally reached the Starry Sea, Adandum fought champions and warlords in single combat with his legendary sword [i]Vicdoriex[/i]. His armored knights smashed through the shield walls of the stormlanders, abormen and westernmen and during the epic battles of Torgan Bridge and Farwater, both great rivers ran red into the sea with the blood of his foes. The largest fortress to ever stand against him, Godshearth, only lasted a week under siege after Loyst engineers discovered how weak the foundations of the fortress was. The only place he could not conquer was the Wildwood, their Archgates too defensible to break through and after he nearly drowned with the rest of the invasion naval invasion force at sea, Adandum had declared his conquest over and began a new calendar starting with his invasion, 0 AC. In 29 AC, in the ruins of Godshearth, Adandum was made King of Adandion by a priest of the Twin Faith, another thing that came with him over the mountains. His great crown was made of all the crowns he had taken from defeated First Tribe chieftains, grinding them to dust to forge his own. To the clan leaders and warlords who bent the knee and followed him into battle, he would make them the first Archdukes and Dukes of his new kingdom, an event which many Great Houses can trace their lineage too. King Adandum, first of his name, would die in 37 AC in another attempt to breach the Archgates along with his eldest son so his crown passed on to the next child, his eldest daughter Omera. Some questioned if a queen would be able to rule as Adandum had but all of her father’s knights and several Great Houses stood behind her on word of Adandum alone and thus began the reign of Queen Omera the Writer. She was no warrior like her father, but she was something even more important: an administrator. Adandion might have been conquered with steel, but it would be built with ink. Omera would lay the foundations of law codes, the Church of the Twin Faith, the court bureaucracy of scribes and many practices that are still used to this day. Had she been a warrior, Adanion would have likely lasted until she died but instead it did what all the other kingdoms and tribes before it couldn’t: stand the test of time. Until now. [/hider] [b]THE TWIN FAITH[/b] [quote][i]Resembling Christianity, it is the official religion of the crown that is built upon the Universal Balance and blessed pairs of sun and moon, of man and woman, of steel and ink, and of heaven and earth. Their holy symbol is a twin double headed vertical cross with and X connecting the two heads known as a Twin Crossed Cross.[/i][/quote] [hider=My Hider] The Church of Heavenly Harmony and Divine Balance, otherwise known more simply as the Twin Faith, is the official state religion of Adandion. It preaches an Universal Balance, the idea that true divinity is to be found at the midpoint of all things, and that the world is innately made up of pairs that are separate but balanced: the Sun and Moon, men and women, nobles and commoners, warriors and scribes, the heavens and the earth. Its two chief deities are the Master in the Sky and the Mistress of the Earth, Master and Mistress for short. To the Church, it is the Master who can create but it is the Mistress who can preserve, similar to how it was Adandum for forged Adandion but it was his daughter Omera whose work would preserve it through the ages. They are lead by a pair as well, a Pontifex and a Meretrix, each one respectively being the godly representative of the Master and Mistress on earth. Its priests preach from lonely hamlet shrines to active village churches up to great cathedrals found in the greatest cities of Adandion. While the clergy is allowed to marry and have kids, anyone within the Church is not permitted to hold “earthly” titles resulting in some lords sending their more troublesome children to the Church or to monestaries as to avoid them messing up inheritance later on. This has also lead to clerical dynasties where priests leave their parishes behind for their own children and more than one family have held the rank of Pontifex and/or Meretix for multiple generations. Through centuries of preaching and ministering of the faith, many of the beliefs of the First Tribes have either been forgotten, snuffed out or relegated to myth. This is most prevalent in the Stormlands, Crownmark, Arbormark and parts of the Western Marches. While places such as the Wildwood, Mistland and Frostmark still more firmly cling to their old gods, a result of being less urbanized and less populated than the southern lands. [/hider] [b]THE TWILIGHT CHOIR[/b] [quote][i]Part peasant uprising, part revolution and a lot of revenge, the Choir is made up of smallfolk, merchants and even lesser nobles who suffered the most under the weak kings and the Mad King. Now they seek to upturn the entire system, united in their desire to remove the Monarchy and the Great Houses that failed to protect them.[/i][/quote] [hider=My Hider] The Twilight Choir is a political and social movement that gained traction during the reign of weak kings and exploded during the rule of King Colyt II the Mad. It is seen as an almost revolutionary movement against the abuses of the monarchy, the great houses of Adanion and even the Church made of peasants, merchants and even some lesser nobles. Their name stems from a rejection of the "corrupted" Church as Twilight is between both Day and Night, a blending of both sides just as how their movement blends different social classes together. Although the Pontifex has declared this idea of blending over balance to be heretical, some clergy have joined the movement seeking church reforms. Disgruntled peasants, having long suffered under inept rule, previous famine and the abuse by those above them wish to better their lives by overthrowing the power structure that has kept them repressed for centuries. Wealthy merchants whose power only grew as trade increased seek more power and presence in the politics of the kingdom as according to ancient decree, only those of noble blood are allowed into politics and only the lowest of lords are willing to marry merchant families, believing their role in economics is the only reason why the kingdom didn't bankrupt itself even during the age of weak monarchs. They seek a radical new form of republican oligarchy, where the old monarch and Great Houses are removed so that (according to them) "only the people who have helped the kingdom can rule it". As for why the lesser knights and noble families also support the Choir is because during the reign of the Mad King, it had been the nobles of the lesser houses who bore the brunt of the madness. While the Great Houses complain of loosing a child or family member, entire lesser houses have been erased, their only remains being the bodies that hang in cages on the sides of roads. They accuse the Great Houses of forsaking their feudal vows and failing to protect them from the mad king despite their loyalty and vows to them. They side with the merchants in their radical new ideas believing that they can do a better job of ruling justly and fairly than the Great Houses can and tired of the apparent weakness in House Loyce. Some have also taken the death of Crown Prince Daymian, the man thought to be the savior of the kingdom, as a sign of divine proof that the Master and the Mistress no longer grant their blessing to House Loyce to be rulers of Adanion. While the Church at large dismisses this claim, some individual priests preach it to agitated churches and rumor says there are those higher in Church leadership who believe as well, if for no other reason than potential political gain. Of the two claimants, only Anyamara recognizes the true threat the Choir possesses to both the status of the noble houses as well as to the stability of the realm as she can see that even if they succeed, the Choir will split into smaller factions who will continue to fight among one another. Sharles, having grown up in ignorant comfort, believes the Choir is simply asking for better living conditions, refusing to believe they are actually seeking a full revolution of the social order. [i]tl;dr - Think of a mix of a peasant revolt, a republican uprising, a communist/socialist revolution, a noble rebellion and the Yellow Turban rebellion (loosing the divine right to rule) rolled into one.[/i] [/hider][/indent] [h2]Creating a Noble/Great House[/h2] [indent]Below is the information that is required to create a character sheet. Only a Character Sheet is required, the Domain Sheet is for anyone who wants to expand upon their holdings in greater detail. While you are free to use any format you wish as long as you have all of the info clearly listed on the sheet, please use spaces between sections and paragraphs to help readability. [hider=Character Info (Required)] [b]Name:[/b] (Adanion was a land of a hundred different tribes and people before the conquest, some who still persist to varying degrees. This should be their full name and any nicknames or epitaphs they've managed to earn.) [b]Titles:[/b] (This is where your character's official titles go as well as any positions on the council or commanders. Please leave this blank, you will be granted your title as part of having your sheet being accepted.) [b]Description:[/b] (A physical description of their appearance, age, vibe/aura and outfit. If using pictures, please avoid anime or real if possible.) [b]Claimant:[/b] (Who do they declare for, Sharles or Anyamara? They don't have to be zealous supporters but they have to pick a side.) [b]House Info:[/b] (Great House's name, sigil/crest and motto.) [b]Reputation:[/b] (The personality most people think of when your name is said, can be identical to your actual personality or completely different in private.) [b]Ambitions:[/b] (What do they want out of life and what is their ultimate goal? Can overlap or even clash with the ambitions of others.) [b]Aptitudes: [/b](Basically their strengths or skills, can be physical ability, mental achievements or trained talents. These are things that make them stand out among their peers in the realm.) [b]Vulnerabilities:[/b] (Basically their weaknesses or shortcomings, can be something emotional, a deep secret, or something they're just bad at. These should be hooks that other characters can use to try and manipulate your character.) [b]Additional Info:[/b] (Anything else you want to say about your character like house history or important background bits.) [b]Domain Info: [/b](The full name of the land they are the Sovereigns of and a quick description of their holdings, mainly just their capital/castle.) [/hider] [hider=Domain Info (Optional)] Domain Name: (Full name of the domain.) Domain Summary: (Brief overview of the major points of the domain) Major Holdings: (Important castles, cities, towns, churches, natural formations, etc.) Reputation: (What is your domain known for? Can be good or bad like harsh weather or fertile farmland.) Wealth: (What is your domain like in terms of economic power and trade? Do they rely a lot on agriculture? Trade? Mining?) Strength: (What is your domain like in terms of defense and military? Can they call upon large levies? Private mercenaries? Knightly Orders?)[/hider] [hider=Example Character: Crown Prince Daymian Loyce] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f4/d5/70/f4d5700bb1bba2ddaabe05eacb48e037.png[/img] [i]"Perhaps in a kinder time... the Great King that never was, the heir to a house and the hope of a nation."[/i] [hr][hr][h2]Crown Prince Daymian II Loyce[/h2][h3][sup][i]The Heir Apparent to the Throne, the Archduke of the Crownmark Lord of Vortigan and Castle Talvyrn[/i][/sup][/h3][hr][hr][/center] [b]Description[/b] [quote]Daymian was a tall, broad shouldered man in his 30's of handsome features and regal disposition. He was the firstborn son of King Colyt II and the only legitimate child to have survived into adulthood, his voice was loud and bold yet never arrogant or demanding and his aura was one of true royalty and pride. Known for his vigor and his energy, he wore fine robes and cloaks made of the hides and furs of beasts he hunted himself with a piece of jewelry from every Archduchy. In battle he had a gleaming suit of silvered steel plate armor, decorated with gems from the Dragon's Graveyard and delicate gold decorations made by the finest goldsmiths that ended in a large twin X and cross pattern on his chest plate, the holy symbol of the Twin Faith. He would often wear a crown, not that of the Kingdom's but the Oathsworn Crown of the Crownmark, a beautiful circlet of gold forged by a legendary smith centuries ago.[/quote] [b]Claimant[/b] [quote]None. He was supposed to take the throne himself before being assassinated.[/quote] [b]House Name:[/b] House Loyce [b]House Motto:[/b] [i]"The Throne Alone"[/i] [b]House Sigil:[/b] A sword going through a golden crown, surrounded by silver feathers in an angel wing pattern on a royal blue background [b]Reputation[/b] [quote]Prince Daymian was famed for his courage and gallantry, strong enough to fight lions but gentle enough to tend to ewes. During the reign of his father the Mad King, he did his best to shelter as many as he could, noble and commoner alike, from the worst of his father's cruelty but he was only one man in a kingdom of thousands. He was seen as the first true king in generations, perhaps even comparable to Adandum, first of his name. He was known as a fierce fighter, a loyal friend, a charming host, an studied academic and most of all a beloved prince who the smallfolk adored, who the Great Houses turned to and whose enemies even had a grudging respect for him.[/quote] [b]Ambitions[/b] [quote]Prince Daymian wished more than anything to heal the scars of a wounded kingdom, dismatling his father's reign of terror and blood. He wished to pass reforms and decrees that would let the smallfolk recover and grow the kingdom's economy while divesting some crown power to the Great Houses to try and avoid another Mad King. It is believed that had he lived, Daymian would be forever remembered as King Daymian the Great, True Heir of House Loyce.[/quote] [b]Aptitudes[/b] [list][*][b]Martial Prowess - [/b][i]Prince Daymian was a renowned fighter and skilled huntsman. Fighting off a direwolf at 15 with a hunting spear, being knighted at 16, winning his first tourney at 19 and leading campaigns against bandit gangs and nomadic raiders at 21, its said he raised his banner and blade more times as a prince than the previous 5 weak (or mad) kings did combined.[/i] [*][b]Proto-Polymath - [/b][i]Blessed with a quick mind and shrewd eyes that only grew as he had access to the best education in the realm, Daymian was tutored by the finest knights, priests, teachers, alchemists and even merchants long after childhood. He even demanded a small private cell for him be constructed in the Royal Archive, a second home for him. He even tried to set up a school from within the Royal Archive, a proposal harshly denied by his paranoid father out of fear of secrets being leaked.[/i] [*][b]Welcoming Host -[/b][i]Throughout his adult life, Daymian used the cover of "princely feasts" and "royal festivals" to try and protect nobles and smallfolk alike from the blood thirsty hounds of his father. While originally they were just for cover, they soon turned into proper, regal events where he became a patron of the arts inviting bards and poets to entertain as his guests feasted on hunted game or exotic tastes provided for by the crown prince himself.[/i] [*][b]Fast Writer -[/b][i]As all books must be hand written, Prince Daymian was known to have especially quick hands. Useful for writing letters and decrees. He has even penned two books on the founders of Adanion, the Adandessy and the Omeriad; those who have read it are quick to point out how it seems to criticize his father's actions and several of the most scathing insults could be directed at the Mad King Colyt II, an accusation that the Prince has always denied.[/i][/list] [b]Vulnerabilities[/b] [list][*][b]Blood of King Colyt II -[/b][i]While its known that there was a sort of uneasy truce between the king and his heir, Daymian constantly feared that his father would one day truly loose all sense and demand his head. His greatest fear however was that he too would turn cruel and mad like his father.[/i] [*][b]A Velvet Affair -[/b][i]Although Daymian was closer to his father's bastards than most nobles would be, treating them as if they were his own trueborn siblings, rare rumors whispered that he was very close with Anyamara to a scandalous degree.[/i] [*][b]Trophy Rack -[/b][i]Prince Daymian had a certain fondness of using his father's cruelty against his enemies. His favorite method was to maim and cripple captured raiders or bandits to send them back as warnings to their comrades or hanging their heads on his banner to frighten them. A harsh measure approved by some but seen as worryingly sadistic by others as his father often employed the same tactics on his own subjects.[/i][/list] [b]Misc Info[/b] [quote]Daymian wielded the legendary sword of Adandum, Vicdoriex, into battle and was wearing it when he died but the sword has been lost and didn't wash up with his remains. He is also pretty much a CK2 character you either make because you minmax'd genetics and education, or you just made a god through the ruler creator.[/quote] [/hider] [hider=Example Domain: The Crownmark] [center][img]https://eskipaper.com/images/fantasy-city-1.jpg[/img] [i]"The great city of Coronation in the Crownmark, seat of House Loyce and capital of Adandion."[/i] [hr][hr][h2]Archduchy of the Crownlands[/h2][h3][sup][i]Regal and Royal[/i][/sup][/h3][hr][hr][/center] [b]Description[/b] [quote]The capital region of the Kingdom of Adanion, it has always been the domain of House Loyce with the heir usually being given the title of Archduke or Archduchess. Its land are fertile with flat lands and rolling hills with large farms and great orchids that produce everything from common ciders to fine wines. Able to tithe resources from the rest of the kingdom, it is the most industrialized with a higher proportion of craftsmen and large scale workshops used to pump out goods of living and equipment of war. Most uniquely is that it has the most extensive network of paved roads in the kingdom, an achievement only the Stormlands can hope to match.[/quote] [b]Major Holdings[/b] [quote][b]Coronation -[/b] The second largest city behind the capital of the Stomrlands, it is a huge, sprawling realm of houses, shops, guilds, apartments, brothels, taverns and outposts. It has three levels called "wards", at the bottom is the Iron Ward where most of the smallfolk and poor live, the [b]Grand Exchange[/b] is located here, the largest inland market area in Adanion. Above them is the Silver Ward where richer merchants and figures of importance live along with some city-estates owned by other Houses, the [b]Cathedral of Twin Heavens[/b] sit on the border of the Iron and Silver Wards and is where the Pontifex and Meretrix are seated. And at the top is the Golden Ward where the royal family lives and the king rules from [b]Adankeep[/b], a heavily fortified palace built on the ruins of Godshearth and where King Adandum was crowned, and is the greatest castle in all the kingdom. [b]The Sister Rivers -[/b] The inner banks of the Twinsplit and Farwater Rivers form the borders of the Crownmark who, along with various tributaries and smaller streams, irregate the land with the help of an ingenious irrigation system created by Letharo of Miragliano, a genius from across the Starry Sea who also brought over road building techniques that now cross the entire region. Competition for ownership of the valuable bridges over the rivers (and thus the ability to toil travelers) is fierce with more than one noble House being snuffed out by House Loyce after they took things a step too far. [b]Castle Talvyrn[/b] Built by King Talvyrn the Shy who wished for a keep beyond the loud, busy city of Coronation. While initially a quiet, lonely keep, it has often been used as private residence for princes and princesses wishing for a fief for themselves who have expanded it into a respectable citadel that now oversees a village around it. It sits on the southern edge of the Farwater River, close to both the Arbormark and Stormalands. When Prince Daymian was its lord, its hall would go from a grand feast to a packed refugee camp to an artistic exhibition hall complete with a stage in quick succession depending on the situation at the time. [/quote][/hider] [/indent]