"... Th-thank you..." Flora's mood had hardly improved, given she learned that her guardian had just recently died. But the words of the deities, one way or another, seemed to have had an effect. She dried her eyes once more, then took a deep breath. Sir Oren was going to go home to... to be properly laid to rest, too. She had to lead the way. It was why she was here. At first she stumbled a little, unsteady on her feet. But it seemed as if at least most of her strength had returned, for now, and she was able to guide the collected revived deities down the mountain path, to the [center][h1][u]~PRIMEVAL FOREST~[/u][/h1][/center] As they descended further, the temperature grew warmer, and the sounds of various beasts could be heard in the distance. The calls of all manner of birds and insects and some unidentifiable noises grew louder and louder. The path itself seemed to vanish into thick foliage, as their surroundings became more and more green. By the time they reached the forest floor, Flora was panting heavily, her gait unsteady. She was clearly feeling rather tired at the moment, even if she was still trying to keep leading them onward. The largers trees were enormous. Not, likely, a particularly unexpected sight. But regardless, they towered into the air like huge pillars, with extremely thick trunks. Other trees with thinner, shorter, between the gaps between their enormous kin. The forest floor was dotted with various unusual, dark-leafed plants and branching vines coiling up tree trunks, as well as strange, large fungi bigger then any of the gods' current forms with enormous dark red caps. Above them lengthy, segmented, thin creatures with innumerable wings lining their bodies wound their way through the trees. Curious, orange-furred, small animals with slender snouts, large ears, and large dark eyes scrambled down trunks to get a closer look from a safe distance. And some distance away, louder movement could be heard, signifying larger creatures. [@Martian][@Raineh Daze][@Click This][@Rune_Alchemist][@Renny][@Pyromania99]