[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/diF6hFs.png[/img] [h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xoz-YIssgg4&ab_channel=hermanaki]Welcome Home[/url][/h3] [/center] [hr] When the China Doll was steady on the ground, landing gear deployed to prop her up for a nice nap, her pilot sat idle in the seat looking out the view port at the great city all around. Oddly enough, Penelope felt nothing. Had the jungle been visible, it might have had a different effect, the landing. As it was, she sighed, and leaned back in her seat. Likely the cargo was being unloaded, the captain going about moderating, and the doctor maybe getting her patient they scooped up from the blue a final check. The passengers were departing for their endeavors on her homeworld, the Skye siblings making their great plans as well. And here she sat, listening to the sounds of the ship and echoes coming through her corridors, too faint to make out. "Are you not going to disembark on your homeworld?" Sam must've been listening to her and the Captain's departing comments on landing, logging that only one had exited the flight deck. "Sure am. The Cap'n and I have a party on the books." She grinned at the empty room, feeling Sam filled it all around. "Might take a day trip with the sibling trio when they go seein' the sites." "Is there nothing you want to see?" Sam asked a hum of her whirring later. Penelope folded her still-mittened hands behind her head and looked at the roof of metal separating her from the sky. "Oh, there is plenty. Talkin' with Cyd last night got me right primed for a Jungle Walk." "Then why do you remain?" The question was pure genuine curiosity, simply to understand the illogical human action of inactivity despite known factors. "Reckon I worry I might not make it back." Penelope said, smile touching her lips. "Wouldn't be right. Not after all the Cap'n's done for me." "I do not understand." Sam said after a moment, sounding far more like the artificial intelligence that she was even though her voice was perfectly humanesque. "I ain't set foot on Greenleaf in quite some time, Sam. Don't know if three days will be enough. Or too much." She sat forward, rolling with the motion after a moment, then got to her feet. "Won't hurt to at least watch the fish go, though. Warm up as the ramp opens."