[@bowtiesrcool86] "Actully, Matori has been unfortunately delayed by to a surprise ambush by the galar police force, oh and here they come into this place as well" Haru voice came over the coms. As the pyramid door was open, and the Galar police officer entered to arrest the Rockets within. [@bowtiesrcool86] Sceptile looked at her wrist as a beeping sound came from it. "Well, looks like time is up. We'll see you again Shinranui" Sceptile said before she ran off vanishing into the shadow. [@Azure Flame][@Alisdragon911] Selina lead then on quire a trek though the forest including secret path that no one knew about, before stopping outside a large tree which she seemed like she put a code into before the door open reviling her village to them. A stream ran though the middle of the village and thr house were built into the trees around them. The only house on the ground was a large house where it seemed the elder lived. Selina fellow clan members watched Chuck and Jen from there treehouses but all welcomed Selina with open arms.