Ella stopped right next to Eris and she nodded. "Yes, this is such a beautiful piece of art," she added to Eris' comment. She stretched out her arms above her head and put her hands behind her head as if she was leaning on the air. Sunlight beamed on her face and she closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth and care of the sun's beams. She could hear birds chirp, small animals move on top of branches of the tall trees surrounding her and her friends. She took a deep breath to take all the fresh energy in, opened her eyes and she blew it out all at once. "This is definitely one of my favourite moments in life," she spoke and she did as if she validated this in her imaginary bucketlist. She grabbed her small backpack and took out her bottle which was filled to the brim with water. She took a sip from it and she wondered if they would find a fresh stream where she could fill her bottle with fresh water.