AGGRESSION [X] BATTLEFIELD EXPERIENCE [X] PHYSICALITY [X] SELF-PRESERVATION [ ] MISSION FIRST, COMRADES FIRST, ME SECOND I've beaten the "seeing self as expendable" drum since the word go, him only getting by on a combination of ferocity, serviceable technique, and hard-baked instincts as well as, thus far, more than a little luck. I can likely mine things further— such as the most recent post with him not liking fighting on horseback terribly much. He gets the idea, he gets [i]why[/i] it's a good idea, he gets [i]how[/i] the idea works— but it feels much less comfortable than he does as an infantryman due to being almost exclusively on the very front lines in his mercenary career (to say nothing of how his innate desire to go in and fuck 'em up would get his poor horse hurt, and that wouldn't do at all). That's one thing for certain. He's also not scamming his way out of consequences of his bullshit self-concept forever. I could probably find more still if I keep looking after this post. Such as, technique is [i]serviceable[/i], but it manifests just as much in applied principles as it does specifically honed form— he's cognizant of it and working on tightening things up, but it's still rough-around-the-edges, gritty swordplay. In a dueling setting, if he can't impose his front-running momentum and physical attributes on a better technician, he ought to have a rough day. I've been thinking about this dumb angry dude a lot over the span of the game. Regarding posts, I'm looking to let [@Crimson Paladin] go first. Hope all's well, [@JessieTargaryen].