"Solrock, Solarbeam!" Came a voice. A door flew open as Billie and Kid went flying out and crashed into Atilla and Hun. They saw Police Officers charging toward them. Bille grunted saying she half expected that if anyone would ruin this plan it would have been those idiots, Jessie and James. Brandon then stepped out of the room holding the Pokéballs that held the Regis and had Solrock floating behind him. He saw Shiranui there and greeted him. "Why, hello there Champion Tsukiko, I appreciate the help in dealing with the Rockets." *** Patrel cursed at hearing how the plan was botched. He pressed a secret switch on his cuff, and a jet pack emerged, propelling him far away through the open roof of the Pyramid, vowing revenge on Liam. Beckham pulled down his right eyelid in a taunting manner at the fleeing Rocket. *** Outside the Pyramid far off behind a bush, Jessie and James were watching the police swarm the Battle Pyramid and talked about how that could have ended badly for them had they acted a few minutes sooner. They knew full well how powerful Brandon was and they had doubts about being able to beat him. Meowth then saw Patrel fleeing and commented about how mad the boss would have been if they barged in and ruined a Rocket operation. "Woobafett!" The Patient Pokémon chirped in.