Nirann tilted his head, looking slightly to the side For a moment, it seemed like his gaze could have been going up to the transparent ceiling to observe the aquatic life above them, but it was hard to tell exactly where he was looking. Strictly speaking, his optics did not have a singular point of focus, so he could simultaneously focus on everything within his field of view. “Hmm, I guess that’s one way of looking at it. A nice sentiment, could make for a good introduction in a book, but I doubt the Cradle is going to read it. It’s not going to wait on the bureaucracy. If we don’t take action and get to work, then these beings we don’t yet understand are going to be making all the decisions for us. At that point, we’ll just have to hope we agree with them.” Marae turned towards Nirann, placing a hand on his metal shoulder. “I know you’re right, dear, but the issue with tribalism is that we don’t have [i]one[/i] Human who can make all the decisions.” She turned her attention back to Wallace, taking just a short break for her tea. “I know you can’t just force your government to act, but I would suspect you do have your influence. So, how would you recommend getting our team to work again, peacefully?”