And the last operation post is up. Downtime is officially in effect. It's going to be roughly two weeks (IC) until the next big operation. You may write solo posts and collabs to fill in what your characters are doing during that time. Alternatively, December is a crazy time of year, you might opt to just take care of IRL stuff. Thank you everyone who filled out the survey. It has given me some insight into where I should put my energy. If you haven't already, it isn't to late to do it, and I'd be glad if you did. Bounties are coming at a later date, so stay tuned for those. The actual duration of downtime will depend on several factors, mostly how long everyone wants it to last. As we near the end of the second week I'll check in to see if everyone's ready for the next operation or if they want more time to write stuff/tend to Santa things. Merry Christmas!