[@Alisdragon911][@Azure Flame] The ninja's seemed to nod back to Jen as she smiled at them, clearly her charm winning them over, Selina looked back at Chuck as she said "You know, some of the young men are probably jealous of you since you get to spend so much time with me, plus ... you know". She then then stop and bowed to an elderly man, who walked out of the large building, indicating to her friends to do the same, who was blind in one eye and using a cane to walk. "Hello Grandfather, I'm home and I brought my friends with me" Selina said. "This is Chuck North jr and Jennifer Lkaika, the champion of Aloha and the woman chosen by Michael Fertar to be his apprentice" She introduced them to him. He nodded before saying "I am Akiyama Hiromisa or in your language, it would be Hiromisa Akiyama. Technically, Selina Gosler is also just her name in your language, to us, she is Akiyama Sakura. Her siblings too share the Akiyama name" [@bowtiesrcool86] Haru voice came on the coms once more, though this time it was only in the room where Liam himself could hear it, "Well, Mr Coleman, I can see why Sceptile is so intrested in you. You certainly give off hero of Ransai vibes, I can see why Kazuma so fixated on you, by the way, none of the Shinobi no Shiki are under his control, we broke free of his Malamar's years ago, once you've gained all of Galar badges, and defeated each of my siblings here on mainland Galar, Isle of Armour and the Crown Tundra. I'll give you a location where we can have a proper battle, and i'll give you every we've learned about the truth behind Kazuma plan. I'll see you then handsome" Haru told him before the line went dead and Haru and Sceptile vanished from the Pyramid.