[quote=@vancexentan] [hider=Heath Underwood] Name: Heath Underwood Age: 17 Gender: Male POB: Silver Hills Washington Location: Angel Grove Height: 5'9 Weight: 180 lbs Voice: N/A Theme: Perseverance, and humanity. Color: Silver Scanned Creatures: Domesticated Cat: Agility, and Night Vision. [url]https://www.zastavki.com/pictures/originals/2013/Animals___Cats__White_serious_cat_046713_.jpg[/url] Crab: Advanced durability, and moderate protection against non-blunt weapons. [url]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/small-white-sea-crab-man-s-hand-117154380.jpg[/url] Silver Ancient Dragon: [url]https://fsa.zobj.net/crop.php?r=PtBngmF97SRrZ-G7dNWQXcOuwWElFuxv-AmEFt4zXeFJiFxJYggkLh9r1U2ofrbFCCcskCSuQLd0S_TRonvT13kZXEMVfWcsqV_7JJZXKN2NDZ8Bwu_1lTIRowRq0VsOCElNkJBGCzR0sAkZ[/url] Appearance: [img]https://i.imgur.com/jJQJ7Cv.jpg[/img] Personality: Heath has a fondness for animals having used some of his fame to convince his friends, and teammates to help out with local animal shelters, and help with soup kitchens when they had the chance. Giving back to your community is important and this is what Heath prioritized when he was competing. He wanted to make sure everyone was safe, and healthy in Angel Grove. When he isn't out helping others or trying to work out to keep himself in shape he tends to be not unlike a typical male his age. He likes to watch action movies, comic book movies, and play video games. He has a strong will it pushes him to overcome obstacles, and hassles that others would push others to a breaking point. It is sufficient to say that Heath has a way of looking at things from multiple angles. Not all monsters are bad, not all people are good, and everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt unless given the chance to prove themselves untrustworthy, or otherwise. There is no black and white only varying shades of Grey. His willpower, and fierce can do attitude allows him to push himself to a breaking point and beyond in order to make the big plays that are required of him. But this doesn't cover up for his short comings. Heath isn't very creative, and or inventive he follows the plan laid out before him, or goes with his first instinct. This prevents him from being an overwhelming force against opponents both in sports and in the field. He will break before he bends too far. When he sees something needs to be done, or a big play is needed he is willing to do all that he can to see that its accomplished. He won't get distracted, and he won't let petty insults, or taunts get to him. Eyes on the goal line. Skills: Athletics, Vision Training (can read things quicker), First Aid, and menial construction Equipment: Ranger Suit: [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140218012411/powerrangersfanon/images/d/d3/Silver_Robo_Ranger.jpg[/img] Zord: [url]https://media1.cgtrader.com/variants/ntRbi6LtDkJHtCWveSTcSEwz/e44aa6a6359827c9089792cde0c079681b83d3b5c3037cc0525c25607e54355b/1e027575-802d-48af-82cf-025ee8461ee9.jpg[/url] Silver Saber Sword: A dangerously sharp sword that can cut apart, and tear through even heavy armor with ease. Though considerably thick plating will prove troublesome. It serves its purpose as anti-armor weapon well against enemies that have tough hides, and resistances against Heath's normal punches and kicks. The sword is heavier than you would expect limiting it to standard one or two strikes per exchange instead of a flurry of blows. A trade off for rapid strikes for deeper penetration and heavier hits. [url]https://img2.cgtrader.com/items/2222410/c097baeffb/silver-sword-from-the-witcher-tv-series-3d-model-obj-stl-sldprt-ige-stp-sat.jpg[/url] History/Biography: Born in Silver Hills Washington to a modest family he was born into a family of athletes, and coaches. Heath is the son of a Ex NFL coach who left the game to spend more time with his kids, and help coaches more locally within Silver Hill and now Angel Grove after an old friend requested that his college sincerely needed a good coach. Heath descends from a long line of solid to great athletes, and soldiers from across the decades. His intensity, and inner strength comes from a long line of fathers to sons who teach them right from wrong, and that the world isn't two dimensional. Heath has met, and has talked with a number of famous football players, and a number of other athletes who he has attempted to learn something from each and everyone of them. To be the best you have to be humble enough to learn. As a young and up and coming high schooler Heath is a person who wants to make an impact in the world. He has dreams of playing for a college team but for the moment is only a back up QB on the High School Football Team for Angel Grove. To this extent Heath trained with his father, and some of his father's old players in order to get a leg up over the competition but his lack of creativity would still hold him back. He often is out helping out in the community trying to foster a sense of comradery, and closeness in the community as not everyone is as well off a he is Heath typically feels its best to try and help others when he can. Though not completely altruistic, and unselfish Heath has typically viewed that it is better to help than it is to ignore. While Heath is known to be friendly he is not very charismatic he wins others over from the perspective of someone who works hard, fights hard, and does all he can to win. It is part of the reason he is only a back up on the football team despite his hard work ethic, and good throwing skills. At this point in his life Heath plans to simply hone his skills, learn what he can, and do all he can to help others while making his father proud. [/hider] [/quote] You're good to go. You can move your character over to the Character Tab. Now let's talk about getting him into the story. Did you have any ideas? I can always plop him in. Do you want him to be friends with the others or just tagged along to the Caves?