[h2][center][color=Brown]Raethel Norvegicus[/color][/center][/h2] In the days that followed awakening, much had changed for the Rattus under Raethel's command and Aethel's education. For starters, there were less of them. While this [i]sounded[/i] bad, the truth of the matter was that there simply hadn't been enough resources in the local area to support the entire population of Rattus for an extended period of time and the solution that Raethel and Aethel had come up with was rather simple: While Raethel kept things under control, their creator would search up and down the river to find locations suitable for other settlements of Rattus to go and colonize, spreading their numbers out and putting less pressure on a single given area as far as resources were concerned. As the First of the Rattus, Raethel had taken great care in pushing to teach the required lessons to survive into the population and selecting the bands to be sent out from those who took to those teachings quickly. So far two bands of settlers had been sent down the river towards the distant mountains, with a third band forming along nicely in order to start heading downriver to start setting up outposts that way. As word had returned of the first two outposts being successfully founded, those who were a bit slower in learning then the first wave had migrated towards them, further easing the numbers that Raethel had needed to manage and provide for, but for any other race it still wouldn't have been enough. Without Aethel's blessing on their ancestry, Raethel had learned enough in the last few days to understand that there would simply have not been enough food or shelter for his people and those shortages would have lead to... bad things. The faint memory of hunger remained from the days before he discovered he was Raethel and the thought of it on a larger, deeper scale was not a pleasant one. Their new home was also a place of extremes, with the days being capable of great heat while the nights could cut through the fur to the bone with chill. Any other race would have been in trouble, with grave hardship ahead to herald in their first steps on the world. For the Rattus through, what would have been dire tidings were merely obstructions that required a cunning mind to work around. Shelter was easy enough to create as their natural instincts informed them that the best place to escape from the heat and cold of the surface was underground; They borrowed into the sand a safe distance from the riverbank in order to avoid dampness and flooding, twisting the sand and dirt into a form as solid and trustworthy as stone as they dug in order to secure the barrows they were creating and prevent the tunnels from caving in behind them. Many of these barrows and tunnels were crude things, created with the understanding that those staying within them only intended to do so for a relatively short period of time before they had been deemed suitable to head out towards one of the outposts or be the founders of a new one. Raethel had noticed some Rattus that seemed to like the birthplace of their kind and, when they somehow found themselves with some spare time during the hectic day, could be found reshaping and reorganizing their personal borrows to be less crude and more pleasant to the senses, as well as comfortable. While he personally was too busy to commit to such a project himself, Raethel honestly had to wonder if he would call this place his primary home at all. While this [i]was[/i] where the Rattus came to be, as the First and leader of the Rattus he could already tell that he was going to be moving between the settlements a lot... and that would require him to have a number of smaller barrows in all of them, with a 'primary' home located somewhere more central so he could respond to situations that arose along the river settlements as required... and the fact was that until the period of expansion along the river ended, he didn't know where that important central location was going to be. Feeding the population was another problem but, thankfully, Rattus brilliance paid off again. While some Rattus favored the taste of meat and dedicated themselves to hunting for beasts of land and air (the latter being hunted by a select few who could bend the winds itself to down their flying targets) and some had taken to fishing for the bounties of the river upon which belonged to their people (and Raethel had to admit, he had proven rather adapt at causing the water to fling fish out of its depths because some of the fish the river provided were rather tasty), it was the plant tenders that proved to be their salvation. Edible plants and mushrooms located both above and below the ground had been gathered and rather then just consume them, those more attuned to the greener shades of the mana winds had gathered together and concentrated on advancing new growths. What might have taken months or even a year to grow and bare foodstuffs, the plant tenders could make happen within days, if not hours. They were not foolish enough to think this state of affairs could last forever through; The plant tenders' connection with the land had informed them that they could only do create so many harvests in this fashion before the landed [b]needed[/b] to rest and recover and to push beyond that would risk causing permanent damage that would prevent further life from growing there. It was all the more reason for them to focus on claiming the whole of the river rather then growing fat on the efforts of the land and the plant tenders. But being able to control the expansion since it wasn't fueled by desperation and hunger made things a lot more organized. And on top of all of that, Raethel still had one task to do as proclaimed by their more absent of creators. "[color=brown]Your name shall be... Blangorum.[/color]" He announced, before turning to the twin sibling of the now named Blangorum and considering for a moment. "[color=brown]...And you shall be Aceh. For showing an understanding of what is required of you, you'll both be joining the next group heading out to set up an outpost down river.[/color]" [hider=Summary] A brief look into Raethel's work and the process of the Rattus as a species in the short span of time since they came into being. Using their innate magical abilities to overcome a number of problems that would cause any other species created in the manner they were with their numbers to have serious issues, the Rattus are still planning to spread out across the lengths of their river for long term ease of survival. [/hider] [hider=Spirit] [b]Start:[/b]2 +1 for being apart of a post for longer then a line. +1 for being the main character/focus on the post. +1 for medium length. Still working on the quest to see all Rattus are named. [b]End:[/b] 5 Spirit [/hider]