“Well, my plans for my team still hasn’t changed.” Marae answered. “We need to improve our understanding of them. The one we have found has been frustratingly resistant to study, but we have still improved our knowledge of its technology, its communication, its behavior. Perhaps with a larger sample size, with more of these beings to study, we will be able to gleam more insight into their history and motivations. Understanding, above anything, will help us make our decisions.” The more subtle implications of Wallace’s tone did end up going over Marae’s head, but Nirann’s software could analyze her body language and vocal patterns in great detail. He had spent countless hours observing Human visitors to Threria, generally for the purpose of safeguarding the city. “Our study of the Cradle being has given us information to work with. We have some understanding of what they are, and we believe we know where to look for more of them. Especially now that we know their signal profiles. I expect that we will be able to find more in time…but if you were to already have a lead we could work with, I’m sure that would save us some time and help the cause.”