[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=7d16c7]Oliver Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7ecMeOO.png[/img] [hr][hr] Interrogation Room A1 [color=7d16c7]Skills:[/color] N/A [hr][/center][/b] Oli exhaled as Woo seemed to actually listen to them. It seemed that they were lucky, and got paired with an interrogator that actually wanted to get the truth. He knew that, a lot of the time, if you were in an interrogation room, it was because the cops already decided you were guilty of something, and wanted to get you to confess to it, or give some damning piece of evidence, so the fact that they were actually ready to entertain the truth was amazing. He fidgeted in his bonds, still uncomfortable, but starting to feel small touches of hope. Honestly, being depowered was an odd experience. Ever since getting his speed, Oli had become largely reliant on it to be effective. When you could move and think as fast as he could, moving at a slower pace like this was just, so boring, but at the same time, it was hard to keep up with things. He couldn't "slow" down and think, so to speak, because he didn't have control over his perception of time in the way he normally did. He looked between Bonnie and Niah, a bit confused at what they were talking about. He was glad they were keeping things coded, so the people who captured them couldn't understand, but they were referencing things [i]he[/i] wasn't present for.