[b][h1][center]The Twin-Headed Dragon[/center][/h1][/b] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qd5CD6S.png[/img][/center] [b]Time:[/b] 1 pm and onward [b]Location:[/b] Roshmi [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UDqwten.png[/img][/center] Once the Amora had landed, guards surrounded the ship as the twins prepared to exit and make their way to the king. [color=BA2B21]”Make way,”[/color] Basilian commanded the soldiers. [color=BA2B21]“If anyone has anything to say on our way there, they will be dealt with swiftly.”[/color] Amarantha followed closely behind her brother as she exited, a smirk on her face as she caught some confused and concerned looks from her brother’s words. Had they all become so used to a ruler who was so cowardly and relied on others for protection that the thought of a strong ruler that could defend themselves confused them so much? That was very amusing to the woman as she glanced over at Basilian. [color=21b0ba]”Oh come now brother, they’re only trying to do their job.”[/color] She said with a small laugh. [color=21b0ba]”Though I do suppose they would just get in the way if we did have to deal with someone. I wouldn’t want to have to accidentally kill someone who’s on our side.”[/color] She said with a sigh as she noticed some startled looks. Oh what poor fools. The angered glances of demi-humans were plentiful as they continued up the main street. Faces emerged from windows and doors while mothers pulled their children in closer. A collective of incomprehensible whispering rushed through the air.[color=gray]“Fuck you! Roshmi should only have demi-human rulers!”[/color] shouted a male cow demi-human from the side of the street. [color=gray]"They are alone, let's kill them now!"[/color] The cow demi-human continued trying to gather an uprising to kill the twins. [color=lightgray]”Yeah! That feline girl from earlier was right! The King [i]did[/i] side with the dark elves! We can stop them here and now!”[/color] Some voices of agreement joined and some of the demi-humans began to band together with weapons while others did not hesitate to run from the scene in order to avoid the escalating tension. Basilian glanced at his sister [color=BA2B21]“Deal with the others if you like, but that cattle is mine.”[/color] He said, giving her a grim smile. Amarantha merely sighed as she nodded, looking to the group determined to kill them. [color=21B0BA]"Let's see...one, two, three….four of you and only one of me. What's a girl to do?"[/color] She counted, pointing at each one as she did so before tapping her lips with her finger. [color=21B0BA]"I suppose I have no other choice…"[/color] Darkness erupted from her, quickly engulfing the four, blocking them from view. At first there were confused noises coming from within the darkness, but those noises quickly turned into screams of pain and horror. In moments the darkness dissipated and where had once stood four armed men now lay four horribly mutilated bodies. Basilian looked at the bodies with a twisted smile. He turned to the wide-eyed and now silent crowd, gesturing toward them, [color=BA2B21]“Anyone else care to try us?”[/color] He said, only to have the bull demi-human charge towards him a moment later with an axe. Basilian drew his sword drawing in shadows along the blade side stepping seconds before the horns gored him. He raised his sword bringing it down on the demi-human’s neck beheading him on the spot. The body bubbled with dark energy before bursting, spraying the area with organs and blood. The others who were once ready to fight stared in shock at the scene before them backed down running or turning their heads to avoid making things worse. [color=BA2B21]”Well, it would seem they have lost interest in us, sister. I suppose we should continue on our way, we shouldn’t make this false king wait too long.”[/color] With that they proceeded to the Roshmi palace. The twins met with the yellow-bellied king of the demi-human who was incredibly timid and wouldn’t barely look them in the eye. He was quick to turn everything over to them and scurry out of there, off to hide with his wife out of the way of the dark elves. Amarantha ordered for the princess to be brought before them only to discover she was missing. Enraged by this, she sent a small team to locate and bring her back. They were also informed of some in the city speaking out against them and encouraging others to put their faith in the humans the light elves had summoned, rumors of the princess even being one of them. The twins ordered that anyone heard speaking out against them to be arrested and brought before them immediately. Within hours there were three brought before them and they were swiftly executed. Their bodies were strung up in the most public areas and a decree placed that anyone who committed the same act as them would suffer the same fate. Anyone who tried to remove the bodies would also be executed. A reign of terror had begun in Roshmi and many fearfully retreated to their homes, leaving the streets rather bare with the exception of those brave enough to venture out. What the twins once considered a minor threat was now becoming a nuisance they could not ignore for much longer. These humans needed to be dealt with and so another decree was placed. Anyone who captured and brought them a human would be rewarded handsomely. Amarantha requested them to be brought to her alive as she wished to do experiments on them, wanting to know more about their magic. Of course if the human proved to be difficult for the person to capture and died in the process they would accept that, but the reward would be significantly less. They broadcast this message in every city they could in hopes to get as many people hunting humans as possible. Roshmi held the highest amount of helius and amoras and the twins weren’t about to let that go to waste. They ordered for these transport ships to be used in order to bring more of the dark elf army to the mainland quickly. The threat of the dark elves was growing rapidly.