[color=firebrick]"Way ahead of ya."[/color] Donny motioned towards a wire set up above the door. It was rigged that all it'll take is for a slip of the knot for it to fall, and Donny had already rigged an unlit firebomb to it. [color=firebrick]"Bet you recognize what this is. Just gotta light it up and run, flame will cut the string and drop the bomb, letting us be no where nearby once it goes off. Used a lot of these traps escaping my old colony."[/color] Donny stuffed whatever he could into his bag and clothes, though he's already taken most of what he could. The only thing he left behind were assorted bongs and pipes: while they might fetch a nice price at Underhaven they were far too bulky to even leave strapped to the bags, and Donny didn't have time to dismantle them into a compact form. Once everything of worth was gathered, Donny lit the firebomb and ran towards the door. [color=firebrick]"We got like twenty seconds before that thing drops. Let's be no where near when it blows!"[/color]