The foul scent of burning flesh filled the air, and the shrieks of goblins whose confidence had been dealt a severe blow. Emboldened by the revival of their dead, the greenskinned orc-kin had immediately set upon Neffy to try and cut her down or do any number of terrible things to the nem. While her agility meant she was difficult to catch, there were still a considerable number of goblins... until the crack of thunder came and the creatures began to fall to the ground, twitching and smoking before lying still. Certainly, not all of them were caught in the spell's effects, but even the chanting ceased for a moment as the unseen necromancer was clearly startled. Surviving goblins closer to the fight leapt back with cries of fear, only for one of their number to be sent flying with his chest caved in and several others to be sent hurtling into the air, burning as they did. But the ominous chanting was already resuming, and the most intact of the deceased goblins were beginning to twitch. Only... Neffy would be the first to see him. The Goblin necromancer was immediately recognizable, clad in ragged robes of black fur and feathers with a helmet fashion from the skull of a deer covering his face. In his hand, he gripped as staff topped with a human skull, one that looked like it had only recently been prepared for such a purpose, various fragments of bone dangling from round it. The eye sockets were glowing a sickly green. He was still some distance away, but if he could be stopped quickly...! [@Rune_Alchemist][@Raineh Daze][@Crimson Paladin][@Zoey Boey]