[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/the-forest-video-game-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210925/136ebecef7cdc712bbbba61b8853d7f4.png[/img][/url] ([b]Blackbird of Chernobyl[/b])[/center] [color=00aeef]"Okay so conjuring is nice and all but real magic is cheating and takes the fun out of the trick."[/color] said Celestine with a shake of her head in disappointment. She reached out towards the deck of cards but was just a few inches away from being able to touch them. [color=00aeef][i]"Could of at least let me have the cards, but I guess I still pose a threat."[/i][/color] The Blackbird of Chernobyl shrugged, at least Agent Woo had left to go talk to his superiors about letting them go, or at least he had said. She knew the longer that they sat here, the more chaos and destruction that Luminous and Doctor Doom would unleash upon this reality. Glancing at her coffee cup, she noticed that it's contents was now gone, so like the person she was, she reached for another untouched cup of coffee within range and began to drink from it, keeping her eyes on the door that woo had just exited from. Thankfully, the coffee was still quite hot, [color=00aeef]"Well at least we have that going for us."[/color] said Celestine under her breath as she glanced back to the rest of her team before speaking. [color=00aeef]"Someone that is a speeder and someone that is part scientist and part wizard, great description there. I wonder though, do they have any other information about our high value targets? I mean, with all of this technology around us, they should have been able to track them outside of the country. Maybe that is just wishful thanking, we shall see though."[/color] Celestine felt her shoulder raise slightly but stopped herself from shrugging, [color=00aeef]"Let's just hope they let us out of here and give us the information we need."[/color] If they were lucky and the cards fell in their order, perhaps they could even get help with their mission, or more.