Freyr jumped in after Marae, now that one of her favourite subjects was being discussed. “These entities have had countless millennia to diverge. Their architecture may be completely different! We just don’t know yet - the Cradle doesn’t have any kind of imprint for each of these life forms that we can detect.” She smacked her lips, tasting the tea on them. “The Navigator - what the one we found on Rothia calls itself - doesn’t like to talk straight with us. Another one may be more disposed to letting us in on their secrets.” Wallace’s icy white eyes lit up at the mention of secrets. She grinned luxuriously and looked to Nirann, still draped over the chaise longue. “I do hear whispers, now and again. Information, wafting through the ether from dark and developed corners of this galaxy alike. One particular bit of information may be of use to you.” The Plenipotentiary finished her tea and rested back on the attendant tray with a soft clink. “But fair warning, my source will not surrender this intelligence unless you do something for them first.”