Nirann was scanning even the smallest, involuntary twitches from Wallace, though everything about his body language still made him seem relaxed. The way he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, or the small movements he made as if he was trying to get more “comfortable” all felt natural and organic. Absolutely none of it was at all necessary, or even helpful, to his robotic form, but the way he flawlessly mimicked organic mannerisms could make one question whether he was [i]actually[/i] doing it subconsciously. “Fair warning, depending on what your ‘source’ wants, you may need to find Rareth and talk with her. If it’s anything major, she will have to approve it. I know she’s not nearly as fun as I am, but she is one of the few people around here who actually seems to be able to [i]accomplish[/i] something, as of late.” “How could anyone but your people or ours have found another one?” Marae questioned, mostly thinking out loud. “We’re the only ones who should know about them right now, so either Outremer or Rothians should be the only ones to know to look for them. These Cradle beings have remained undetected eons longer than either of our civilizations have even existed, so the odds of someone just stumbling upon them by chance [i]now[/i], of all times, are infinitesimal. Unless…well, unless it made itself known.”