[hr][hr][center][h2][color=a2d39c]A S H | D E A D S N O W S | U K T A R 5 T H[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] Ash seemed to shrink into himself under the barrage of casual insults levelled at him by the guardsmen. It wasn't anything particularly new, or particularly hurtful, but in the back of his mind he had held onto the small hope that it would somehow be... different, here in Deadsnows. He had almost resigned himself to spending the night out in the cold comforts of Snowtown before he realised that despite their hostility, the soldiers would allow him through the gates. Immediately, he perked up a little, and stuttered his way through a brief thank you before making his way through the gate and into the town beyond. Inside the walls the snow on the ground had been trampled into a brown slush. Tightly packed buildings of rough hewn stone and raw timber leaned in to each other, as if huddled close for warmth. [i]Warmth.[/i] That was Ash's most pressing concern now he had made it into Deadsnows. He needed to get out of the cold and find somewhere he could spend the night. Thankfully, a building larger and stouter built than its neighbours quickly appeared through the evening gloom once he was a short way into the small town. Judging the noise and the light spilling from its windows, it was some kind of tavern. A wooden sign swung above the doorway, depicting a large smith's hammer and some kind of flower. It would more than make do for tonight. As he approached the entrance, there seemed to be some kind of a knot of people that had formed there. One of them was a elf, with long pale hair, dressed in flowing robes. Whilst the other was a strangely stressed man the likes of which Ash had never seen before. Had they travelled from somewhere even more distant than he to come to Deasnows? He wanted to get out of the cold and into the dry, comfortable, warmth of the tavern, but at the same time he was loathe to interrupt these strangers in whatever it was they were doing. Still, it was getting dark, and the wind was positively freezing. Ash shivered deeply once more beneath his fur travelling cloak before he decided to make his presence known with a small clearing of his throat. [color=a2d39c]"Um, sorry to bother you, but if I could just get squeeze pass please, that would be -err- great, thanks?"[/color]