[quote=Roman] What's the plot? So far, you've described the Hatching of SCP-231-5 and the containment mission thereafter, which doesn't make a lot of sense. Procedure 110-Montauk the containment procedure, and it's been stated in the wiki that the hatching of SCP-231-5 be a class-5 apolocalyptic event.So, without meaning to offend...where's this going? I mean, it's interesting otherwise. [/quote] Our goal for this roleplay, is to go through and reenact the events that took place around and during the recovery mission of SCP-231, and the events that took place after SCP-231-6's, and 231-7's transfer to a new site after the death of 231-5 and the destruction of site-231 Aleph. We'll be beginning the plot by going off the current events taking place in the hider marked Retrieval, this will include the raiding of the warehouse, SCP-231-1's birth of SCP-██, and the class-5 event that took place after which will involve the mobile task force's action and the death of 231-2 and the Agents, and Police officers involved. Once we finish through with Retrieval which is part 1 of this plot we'll begin Containment which is part 2. We'll do a bit of a time-skip and begin part two after SCP-231-6, and 231-7's transfer, from here we'll follow through with the events that lead to the unknown Agent trying to help 231-6, and 7 escape, the fire fight that took place which results in the death of the unknown Agent, SCP-231-6, and the birth of another SCP-██.