[img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BBwjC6T.png[/img][/center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] The city of London was much bleaker than normal on this night of nights. The shadows crept a bit longer, the air was just a bit colder, and the skies changed from the golden glow of afternoon into the misty pastels of evening. It wasn’t long before darkness overtook the land; and yet, despite that fact, the world below remained illuminated in light. The mark of civilization continued to act as a candle among the night, mass city life thriving and throbbing. The usual denizens came and went as they did, the average Londoner none the wiser. But there were darker creatures at play. A whiff of magic sifted the air to guide anyone who would lend an ear away from the harsh lights of night life buildings. A hard day of work meant a hard evening of little solace after all. The magic tainted its path like a whisper of honeyed doom addled into the ears of the weary, of the abandoned, and the distrodden. The darkness moved with them as one by one, those citizens who made easy prey and had negativity in their hearts were corralled by the magical lure. They all gathered towards the outskirts of the city, at an [url= https://i.imgur.com/NvOzmRh.jpg]abandoned construction site.[/url] Steel and dirt were their gates to enter their “kingdom”. The enchanted citizens shambled like reanimated corpses, though only a handful in comparison to London’s population. They were to be the fuel for the monsters that placed such a curse on them. Only foul creatures who hailed from the shadows of history and the darkness of all stories could be responsible for the mass feast ready to begin. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0in4tHRObQw]The Pageless.[/url] [center][img] https://i.imgur.com/D9WGTcI.png[/img][/center] They crawled along the steel beams of the construction site like an infestation of bugs. Red eyes lit up the otherwise pitch-dark setting. They bored down and leered at their new prey. Sharpened claws rended and tore through their metal perches with eager desire. This was the Pageless’ true nature, to feed and to consume all the stories of the land; and what better story is held by a human life? The enchanted citizens remained trapped in their stupor. Some even wore dopey smiles as they awaited their fate…. And yet there was a new breeze to be found in the night. The call of magic was met in force, by more magic. The presence of light and magical stories was caught aware by the Pageless. Many of them paused in their bristling, the swarm set alert to the appearance of their sworn enemies: Magical Girls and the Grimoires they carried. Naturally, the Grand Ministry had already caught wind of the situation and sent what resources they had available to counter the dark threat. More importantly, there was another factor at play. The Magical Girls who would heed the Grand Ministry’s call were aware of this, three objectives listed off to them in their mission: Destroy the Pageless, protect the citizens, and above all else, find the new magical energy that was blossoming somewhere in the construction site. For tonight, a new Magical Girl would be born, by choice or chance. [hr]