[h2]Ashte[/h2] "Hmm..." the white-haired goddess said, eyeing the small girl as they made their way through the forest. Whilst the batsquirrelfox things were interesting, it just wouldn't do to have their guide collapse whilst they were still travelling. And it would be inefficient if they, a collection of deities, stopped whilst the sun was still up. Especially when you were going around [i]with[/i] a sun god. Therefore... "Up you go~" Not giving Flora any time to resist, the war goddess grabbed the small girl and half-threw, half-spun her in what [i]looked[/i] to be something incredibly dangerous... and probably was some modified, gratuitous wrestling at that. But when she stopped, the girl was firmly parked on her shoulders. Albeit probably befuddled. "Gentle with the horns, okay~? Just keep pointing the way."