Without going into detail, my life is absolutely on fire, and so I miss my old go-to hobby of roleplaying. It's been hard for me to figure out how to dip back into PbPRP, but this seems like a good way to start. I'm reminded of the days when I started with Neopets RP forums when I was 9 years old. I am 31 next month, so that's nearly 22 years of roleplaying in some way, shape, or form, be it through one-on-one PM's, AOL Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger (my preferred format), on forums like this that have space for many types of RP, and forums with dedicated persistent plotlines. I also do tabletop RPG and love to DM. I love creating stories of intrigue for people to explore and poke at. I'm out of practice with PbPRP. I haven't done it much since 2016 when I started attending a four year university full time. I've since dropped out (remember, my life's on fire (: weeee~) and need things to help occupy my time when not working. I'd like to dip my toes in with the one-liners/fast RP first, I think, but I definitely used to participate in RPs that included 2000-3000 word posts or more. Genres I enjoy include general fantasy, soft science fiction (as opposed to hard sci fi), and some romance. I also enjoy fandom specific RPs. DRoP in particular comes to mind. I'm interested in expanding my RP horizons, though, so if you have a suggestion, hit me. :D