[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=silver]Megan Pendragon[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR0pmc6n/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][color=silver]Location:[/color][/b] Atlantica [b][color=silver]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Megan nodded slightly. It was a bit odd to do things based on the sun's position in the sky - it felt archaic and strange. She was used to being accountable to precise timepoints - everything was regimented and scheduled, even in the morgue. She raised an eyebrow as Sierra suggested that they hide out in the nearby cabin. Megan really enjoyed Cabin in the Woods, and she somewhat doubted horror movies were on anyone else's mind at the moment. More concerning though was that she recalled in the fairytale that Hansel and Gretel trespassed in a witch's cabin. The others scouted inside of the cabin quickly as they neared it, with Megan keeping a watchful eye on Sierra and her wound. [color=silver]"Unfortunately, it doesn't seem painkillers have been invented yet here,"[/color] Megan apologized. She vaguely recalled her medical school classes where they had been instructed that sometimes, it was all you could do to keep a patient just talking through the pain in an attempt to keep their mind off of the pain. They were then waved into the cabin when the coast was clear and Megan's eyes widened with alarm, seeing the food cooking. [color=silver]"This [i]isn't[/i] clear!"[/color] she hissed. [color=silver]"People don't just leave food cooking unattended for long. Someone's here. We need to leave, now."[/color] It was that or they'd need to knock out and tie up the owner of this cabin.