[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/brausepulver-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211126/aace1e560f997c5e9315e2012670d064.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=1A9D60][i]"Alright, so dropship's down, but it looks like our terrestrial vehicles aren't too banged up by the looks of it. I can work with this, we just need to wait until the Dropship's back online and then we can have some fun."[/i][/color][/center] [@DracoLunaris][@deadpixel101][@King Cosmos] [hr] Almira listened intently on both Q-T and Zoe as both of them elaborated on their Section's current status. Her fingers twiddling and grabbing her Captain's hat as she listened to the two crewmembers. She's happy that there's only 1 injury in the EVA crew, and that the rest are busy repairing the ship and ready to assist Engineering should there be such a need. She's little bit concerned with Zoe's report though, a possible loss of biodiversity doesn't look good by the looks of it. BUT, water, at least from her simple observation, shouldn't be too much of an issue. Especially considering where they crashed right now. [color=1A9D60]"Don't worry too much about water Zoe. We're quite literally in Icy mountains and it shouldn't be too hard to chip some ice from, well, literally all around you and put it in the water filtration system. Once Engineering brings the reactor back up you shouldn't be worrying too much."[/color] She replied to Zoe's concerns. [color=1A9D60]"Well, looks like I'm getting a good idea of the current situation. Take a shower and take some rest if you have time in-between all this work. I know I'll be tired as hell if I were in your shoes. Alright, Zoe, Sumiye, you're dismissed for now. Q-T, can you take me to the Hangar bay and show me the vehicles we have available, I think that we ca-"[/color] A sudden ring on the telephone interrupted the Captain's speech. Visible annoyance was felt in Almira's face, but she took a deep breath and grabbed the ringing object. [color=1A9D60]"Yeah? Captain here. Whatchu need? Uhuh... uhuh, seriously? Does that creature pose a threat to the ship? Alright alright, I'm on my way to the bridge right now."[/color] She closed the phone and looked at the trio. [color=1A9D60]"Ooookay, so uhh... I think you might wanna come to the bridge and see this one girls."[/color] She gestured and immediately walked, the three figures tailing her as she goes through the hallways, saluted several of her officers, took the lift and arriving at the bridge. And it was at that bridge that the 'creature' she talked on the phone was very visible for all to see. 3 winged creatures, one red, one blue, and one yellow. Each of them with scaly wings and as a Bridge crew handed Almira some binoculars. Possessing visible reptilian features throughout their body. Almira did not hesitate. Her crew's safety is priority right now. [color=1A9D60]"Comms?"[/color] "Yes ma'am?" [color=1A9D60]"Contact CIC, VLS firing solution, 3 capital ship mixtures, focus on Armour Piercing missiles. DO NOT FIRE unless I give the order."[/color] "Of course ma'am." [color=1A9D60]"Tell them that I want guns and shields activated, I don't care if power's redirected from unnecessary parts of the ship. APFSDS rounds on the guns, Laser CIWS at full wattage at the ready too."[/color] "Yes ma'am." [color=1A9D60]"Get all outside crews back to the ship, don't bother about equipment, I just want them safe."[/color] She finally ordered, to a chorus of yes ma'ams too. The Captain then immediately turned, her eyes focusing on Sumiye. [color=1A9D60]"Sumiye. Can you do a crash activation of the reactor for me? And make sure those final safety checks are done real quick. I don't want that."[/color] She gestured at the Dragons. [color=1A9D60]"Frying the ship. It will probably complicate engineering matters would it not?"[/color] She then turned her head back towards the bridge. [color=1A9D60]"I have no idea if that thing can talk or not. Dragons from what I've read [i]can[/i], but I've never met one before. Hmmm... Q-T? Are you willing to become humanity's temporary envoy to the dragons should you be needed? Sorry about this, but I honestly think that you're probably the only thing that can resist dragonfire right now."[/color]