[h3]Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth, [/h3][i]and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck[/i] Heartened a bit by the priestess’s response, she stood up, letting the girl take the lead. Nonetheless, she paused for a moment to shoot a look towards the sun god, shaking her head in disappointment at him before continuing on. Before long, she found herself in a great forest together with the others. It was a strange one, with trees and fauna so great –at least by the sounds they made—that it seemed like this place had been so bereft of human touch that it had probably been left unmolested for millennia. In direct contrast to the goddess of the hunt… such a forest disturbed her. As a goddess born from human influence, the complete lack of it only left her feeling hollow and incomplete as they traversed through the thick foliage and uneven pathing of the wilderness. [b]“Nnngh… I for one would prefer if we left this forest sooner than later. Preferably, straight into a human city so that we can get a proper fix on the state of the world rather than taking the words of some zealot at face value,”[/b] the goddess of commerce and wealth grumbled.