Heath has been getting ready for the day where he would be out hanging with a new group. That set of people that...what was his name again? Finn Logan? Jim Hogan? Biff Bogan? Nah it was definitely Finn Logan, no one this century had the first name Biff, hung out with. It was a very small group of friends, and his friends over in the football team were off on a hunting trip somewhere. He never got the appeal of it, so hanging out with a new group of friends at least allowed him to do something neat with new people. Even if it was just hanging out somewhere it at least allowed him to connect with new people. Being a part of the football team meant being a dude who was willing to reach out to other students. It not only helped foster a sense of belonging inside the school, that you want to support your fellow students, but it also gave him a sense of how things were. If there was one thing Heath couldn't stand it was bullies, people who messed with their peers just because they could. Never made sense to him if you didn't like someone just don't talk to them right? Regardless he had to talk with his dad before going, and it turned out to be a bit longer call then expected. He had a general idea of where they were going because Finn had texted him the other day where they were planning on going. A set of caves somewhere in Angel Grove? Sounded dangerous so just in case no one else did he brought his cellphone, some first aid supplies, an emergency rope, and flare gun. It wasn't something he expected he would need but you couldn't be more careful. He had stuffed them in a backpack before heading out. As he approached the cave entrance he didn't see anyone initially. He heard a loud noise, not sure what it was, and quickly started to make his way through the cave waiting for calls, or voices. [color=silver]"You guys good? Its me Heath."[/color] called out from behind the crew not really taking note of what was in front of them initially before rubbing his eyes. [color=silver]"You guys come here to explore some theme park or somethin'?"[/color]