[center][h1][color=00aeef]Link[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Word Count: 1069 [/center] [center][color=00aeef][b] Level 7[/b] [/color] - (39/70) + 2[/center] [center]Location: Carcass Island[/center] [@DracoLunaris][@Archmage MC][@Lugubrious] [hr][hr] The only way forward was through the snail pit. The only thing that gladdened Link's heart about that was the Koopa Troop's scouting party returning unmolested and reporting that, besides the apparent unpleasantries, there were no ambush parties waiting in the wings. So, with the exception of the sting of terror that shot through his mind at Sakura's "prank," he was able to follow after Peach with no qualms. It was a testament to Mimic's craftmanship that when he jumped over the balcony and pulled out his sailcloth there was no noticeable change in it's performance despite the foot of height and who knows how many pounds of muscle he had gained from his fusion with Tidehunter. The transformation had exceeded his every expectation, the only downside he could see being that his tunic had vanished completely. He hoped there was a way to get that back. It was cracking good armor, despite its appearance, but if he just wanted armor he had a replacement he was sure would fit him now. No, the real loss was sentimental. That uniform was one of the things that connected him back to the other Champion's, the color being something shared between all of them. No amount of steely muscles or catlike sinews could fill the hole that it left. He glided along after Peach for a portion of the room, joined by the Troop, but on glancing down and seeing the snail women dragging themselves toward the groundwalkers below and dropped halfway across, his impact cracking one of the rotted wooden platforms flat in half and scattering a few corpse while maggots, and joined them on their trudge. The slug women didn't prove dangerous enough to even contend with, and the new variety of fish man that tended to this place for some unspeakable reason didn't see fit to trouble them as they passed. One waved it's tadpole filed staff menacingly at him as he stopped to take a picture, but that was the extent of their open hostility. So it was a nursery, then. That might have made him feel bad when the wooden platforms came to an end and they were striding across a carpet of maggots if they weren't also apparently using the maggots as kindling. As they approached the wall of fog something began to emerge from the sea of sticky white stuff at their feet. At first he thought himself a fool, for of course the ambush could come from underneath. At first he mistook the enemy for four, slimy white wriggling creatures pushing heir way up to defend the nest. As it fully clawed its way out he felt his blood run cold. His mind flashed back to the day this had all begun, back to the cliff and the army that had been arrayed against them. The creature, eh knew, that had made him a game piece in a twisted challenge. What was it that Marth had said? They would each need to defeat at least ten? Well, the only thing that stopped Link from traying to get his first was the hail of ranged attacks sent at the thing by others who had the same idea. He stopped short, sword in hand and [url=https://my.mcpedl.com/storage/texturepacks/1957/images/dark-iron--texture-pack_5.png]Dark Iron Chestplate[/url] hastily equipped, and watched with wretched frustration as the barrage of attacks was stopped by some kind of barrier. AS the last of them petered out he kept it in hand, but lowered. No point breaking his weapons against something like that. Besides, the hand behaved as Link had expected. Instead of engaging with the group it set up a game. A game of death, but a game all the same. As he looked down at timer carved onto his hand he felt a wave of nausea rush over him. Lose and everyone dies. Win and everyone lives. Simple rules. Fair rules. Rules he had no choice but hope and pray the hand decided to honor. Some people were taking this turn of events harder than others. As the hand counted down Ms. Fortune turned to them looking for some explanation. All Link could do was growl out, "It's from the cliff!" Then Peach and the beginning of the game cut him off. She took charge immediately, hurrying them down the path before picking one herself. Bowser dutifully followed after her, Junior and Blazermate running after him. Link took one last look around the group, acutely aware that this could be the last time he ever saw any of their faces. Then he steeled himself and charged after his fellow Smash Brothers. As they arrived in the cavern Link joined Peach in searching for whatever adversary the hand had prepared for them and hoping that it was something horrible. He didn't want to battle someone in the same position he had been put in, forced against their will into being a pawn of the hand, but the trembling of his brain was telling him that if it was between some stranger and them he would choose them. The Hand would get it's spirit. Luckily their opponent was suitable monstrous, looking for all the world as though it could be the mother of the fish monsters that stalked this island. Bowser ordered his court mage to supersize him, but Kamek wasn't here. In this moment of inaction, Blazermate chose to put her beam on Link. He could feel himself being filled to the brim with energy, and then felt that energy explode. It was like lightning was shooting through his veins, every fiber of his new muscles crackling with power. At her command he charged forward as the creature began to fill the cavern with song. In his hands was the [url=https://imgur.com/Ph4NpsY]Ebony Battle Axe[/url], even lighter in his hands than he had initially suspected. As he closed to within striking distance he spun once, the blade cleaving through the air in a wide arc before he used the momentum to bring the blade up, then down in an overhead chop. It was hasty, but they didn't have the time to make a plan. He hoped the others were watching, because whatever tricks this monstrosity possessed would doubtlessly be used on him first. That was fine. He had a feeling he could take it. They could come up with a strategy after they saw how it dealt with him.