For a moment Kai stayed silent seemingly thinking about what Takemori said. “A two vs two with a stranger... That’s fine.” Kai answered firmly, above everything else in this festival, he needed to stand out and if he needed to carry a total newbie, the that was fine. Besides whoever it was that he was going to be paired up with, was probably not as bad as his best friend. If the world had somehow created someone even worse in Gunpla fighting then it would be the end of sport as they knew it. “Sign me up for the 2 person team with a random person, I’m not going to lose.” Kai turned to Riku, to make sure he doesn’t, he at least needed his partner to be presentable. After all taking it out into it’s current state would be a bit of an embarrassment to his old team. Kai took out the lacquer box wrapped around in rope, before opening it and taking out cracked Gunpla. “It doesn’t matter to me if ya see it and the Turn-XCEED isn’t something you can just defeat just by knowing about it. I’ll take ya up on that offer, but the Turn-XCEED’s builder’s currently a three times Mejin Cup winner, think ya can handle it?” [@Double]