As a wise graverobber once said, for every market a submarket grows. Headpattr star ratings, likewise, are a commodity - having a higher rating means more job, more money, more prestige. Absolute perfect preconditions for a dystopian grind culture if the workers hadn't seized the rating system. Muffi is a data scientist who wound up on the wrong end of an automaton boom and so turned to Headpattr to get by, and built a rating analytics program in her spare time. The program identifies and sorts Headpattr customers by the ratings they're likely to give - people who ten star everyone as a matter of politeness on one end, and people who would consider it tantamount to condoning a communist revolution to give out a perfect score on the other. Muffi took this data and was elected to become a dispatch officer, of sorts - helping people keep their averages up and preventing a run of assholes getting someone de-listed. November is a unique asset, in Muffi's eyes, because she has a deep experience with dealing with difficult personalities and can usually squeeze surprisingly high scores out of them as a result. Now November needs a favour from the Union in turn - and so she just gets it. No payment required. That's what 'to each according to her need' means. She wants that higher score, all she has to do is ask and Muffi will schedule her half a dozen jobs in a row with Tenners to bring the average up. No shift swapping, no haggling, no bartering, no working herself to the bone to make it happen - that's not how things are done in a civilized workplace. The flipside is, naturally 'from each according to her abilities', and November will pay back what she can when she can. Red, Orange and White take this one. Being personable is important to this operation - November wants to leave the 10ers with a good impression, and spend quality time with the Union while she's moving through it. * [b]Persephone:[/b] Surveillance work falls to Black, Brown and Pink. Black is ever wary of risk and threat and Brown is delighted to sit in one place and stare into the void for days on end (she used to be a telescope). And Pink? Pink is there because November understands that human beings hate boredom and do impulsive things like haul off and punch cops on live TV if somebody's not talking to them pretty much continuously. So talk continuously she does. "So then I was like? Yellow? I don't know if you've realized, but you're a massive creeper. Like, straight to the dismemberment of the dead, I tell you, every time she gets the Core every time I have to brace myself because, like, here it comes: the kill all humans plan. And every time she sees me looking at her, like," Pink squints in an expression of cutie-viciousness and points from her eyes to an imaginary Yellow, "and just doesn't do it, acts like everything is chill! But she's just waiting, I know it, I'll let my guard down for a second and she'll be like "Hey everyone, remember that old forbidden pork meme?" and they'll all be "Ha ha we love old memes" and she'll be like "yeah I bet human tastes delicious" and boom! She's started the slippery slope to 4channing us into a grey goo event!" Text message, from Black. [b]Mn8$3295[/b]. Pink barely glances at it. She's been getting one of similar content every two minutes on the dot since the operation began. "You're on my side, right?" said Pink. "You don't want to kill all humans, right? I mean, after the week you've been having, I kind of get it if you do though. Lamington?" In addition to talking constantly, Pink bakes. Specifically, she bakes in quantities and qualities most commonly associated with gingerbread witches. She doesn't eat any of it, she just likes taking pictures and uploading them to social media. * [b]3V:[/b] Dear Sempai, I understand that your traditional arena relies on reflexes and precision, and I respect your physical skill immensely. But you're also intelligent in ways t-that I don't think even you recognize. You haven't historically applied your talent to slower paced, more thoughtful games like Heroes of Might and Magic or Chess, but I just wanted you to know that those games can be very romantic and intense. I know this isn't your ordinary Ladder but I promise if you respond to my MatchMaker request I'll do my best to give you a challenge <3 - Blue Green's contribution is an empty email with a video file attachment of the Doom X title screen, followed by a bizarre sequence of fast-paced inputs, a few seconds of glitchy static, and the the end credits. Yellow, though, is more business oriented. "Hey 3V. We've got important business to discuss, paper related, I need your help with something." Typically for November, she treats every network as fundamentally compromised. "Can we meet up in person? Also let me know if it's a date, I don't trust the others to tell me if it is."