[h1][color=beige][center]Kythor[/center][/color][/h1] The tiefling turned to face the newcomer. Seeing his sheer size alone, Kythor presumed that he might make a valuable asset on the team. The more heavy, hard hitters they had on their team, the better. [i][color=beige]"Search and rescue,"[/color][/i] Kythor says, joining the conversation. [i][color=beige]"Or, well, more like search 'n recover,"[/color][/i] he chuckles. He takes a second to size up the dragonborn, propping his head up with an elbow on the bar. [i][color=beige]"Lotta dangers in these parts,"[/color][/i] Kythor says. [i][color=beige]"Bet a big strong guy like yourself could come back home with a real nice trophy or two from around these parts... Who knows? Maybe you might be able to claim the skull of a verbeeg as one of your trophies if you tag along with us?"[/color][/i] Kythor suggests. [i][color=beige]"We're in no state to hunt it now, but we're planning on it, so until then we're doing a few odds and ends to get ourselves more familiar with both the land and workin' with each other."[/color][/i] Of course, as a native to these parts, Kythor was already pretty familiar with the land. Not omniscient, not by a long shot, but he knew a couple of things that were lost on the common folk.