[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HtwDQlY.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kBn0kZr.png[/img][/center] [color=68894D][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [color=68894D][b]Location:[/b][/color] River Port, Cheap Inn [color=68894D][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Kaleb [@FunnyGuy] & Eris [color=68894D][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] Bowyn [@Helo] Annya [@princess] Saoirse [@Potter] Ismael [@Th3King0fChaos] & Kharne [@Kazemitsu] [color=68894D][b]Outfits:[/b][/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/vAZMiZl.png]Eris New Outfit[/url] [url=https://imgv2.staticdj.com/1badd56c205f0002dabd7c47943882b2_750x.jpg]Raven New Outfit[/url] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0QaXHmH.png[/img][/center] [hr] Eris had never been one to drink to the point she lost her senses. Faking she drank that much, on the other hand, she was quite skilled at. Inebriated people and people looking to get laid were the easiest people to get talking, tricks Eris used often to gather information. It helped when they believed you were just as intoxicated as them. Perhaps it was their subconscious hoping that the person they were talking to would be far too gone to remember anything they told you. Either way Eris loved it and last night proved to be quite fruitful. They had run into the white haired girl who sEris had seen earlier. A delightful young woman who made sewing seeds of doubt about Princess Annya so very easy. Eris adored her already and didn't want the fun to end too quickly. So when she'd noticed Annya and the redhead searching for the girl she simply worked her magic. Making one invisible was one thing, but making one near invisible while still being visible was an art. To make a person appear uninteresting and not worth noting to the eye was a fun challenge. Of course this was all a game to Eris and she used it just to test her skills. It worked out as Annya seemed to not notice the girl which made Eris almost giddy. In the end, it was a very enjoyable night for Eris and she’d fallen asleep quite pleased. Raven, on the other hand, had an interesting night. She’d set out to forget the events of the day and forget she would. In fact, as someone seemed to try and nudge her awake, all she could focus on was the splitting headache she currently had. Sunlight was hitting her face and she groaned as she rolled over and buried her face in the pillow beside her. This pillow was strange, though, as it wasn’t all that soft. It was warm though and…breathing? Raven froze as she seemed to hold her own breath and slowly open her eyes. Yup, that was definitely someone's chest she was now laying on. Her mind raced as she tried to desperately remember the events of last night. She glanced up to look at who she was laying on only to see one of her most favorite actors. There was also another redheaded woman on the other side of him. Raven gasped as she quickly pulled away from Kaleb’s chest, a burst of air magic propelling her farther back than she intended as she fell off the edge of the bed. She hit the ground with a loud thump and a pitiful cry as her head spun. [color=E795F9]”Fuck me…”[/color] She groaned as she tried to will the room to stop spinning. She froze once more as her own words made her realize something. [color=E795F9][i]Wait…I was…with him…with them?...I didn’t…we didn’t…did we?[/i][/color] A thousand questions ran through her mind as she tried and failed to remember what happened. Finally she slowly sat up, peaking over the edge of the bed. She briefly winced again as her head ached, but then was glancing at the scene in front of her. Eris had actually been awake for a short bit, but had been lying there just waiting for the humans to awake. She hadn’t entirely been expecting the female one to wake up and give a small display of her magic, throwing herself off the bed. The whole event had Eris giggling at the girl as she sat up. She glanced over at Kaleb who seemed to be trying to peek through his lashes, smirking at him as she guessed he wasn’t feeling too great this morning based on his words. [color=68894D]”Good morning.”[/color] She said in a purr before stretching almost like a cat would in the morning. [color=68894D]”Would anybody like some coffee? It seems like the two of you could really use it.”[/color] She said as she got out of the bed and made her way over to her traveling pack. She began to dig through it as she continued to speak. [color=68894D]”I’ll go down and retrieve some for us if you’d like, let you two wake up just a wee bit more.”[/color] She pulled out some clothing and began changing right there in the middle of the room. [color=68894D]”Besides I can’t have you roaming around until you both can think a bit more clearly, what with that decree made last night about humans.”[/color] She said with a sigh as she began digging through her stuff again. She’d expected the twins to eventually do something about the humans that were summoned, but she wasn’t expecting it so soon. She could easily bring these two humans to them, but where was the fun in that? While it would cause strife with the light elf royalty, it made it too easy for the dark elves. Besides these two humans were now hers and she’d never done well with sharing her toys. No, she would need to protect these two from the bounty hunters that were sure to come. [color=68894D]”Ah there it is!”[/color] Eris said triumphantly as she pulled another outfit out of her pack before walking over to Raven. [color=68894D]”Here love, you can wear this since your dress was kinda ruined last night. I was going to try to sell this one, but I can’t leave someone in need. You can always pay me back for it later.”[/color] She gave Raven a sweet smile and wink as she placed the outfit on the bed. It was at this moment that Raven realized that her dress was in the corner of the room and it looked rough. Had she vomited on herself last night? Also where were her shoes? Eris was at the door no, grinning back at the two of them. [color=68894D]”I’ll leave you two to talk in private since Kaleb said you’re [i]such good friends.[/i] I’ll be back shortly. We can’t take too long since it seems like we have a breakfast date to crash.”[/color] She teased with a wink before exiting to get them coffee. Raven quickly scooped up the outfit provided to her and held the clothes close to her body. Her face was bright red and she couldn’t quite make eye contact with Kaleb yet. [color=E795F9]”U-um would you mind closing your eyes or something as I got dressed?”[/color] She stuttered out feeling a little silly for asking, but also wasn’t convinced that anything really happened last night. Eris had been in a nightgown and her own clothes were in a heap in the corner, but that could have been purely because they were disgusting. Raven almost felt like she was going to throw up again, but she shoved it down as she got dressed, not actually checking to see if Kaleb was closing his eyes or not. She figured it’d be better if she just believed he was. She finally looked at him once she was dressed and sat down in the little armchair in the corner of the room. [color=E795F9]”Sooo…w-what all happened last night? I’m so sorry, but I seem to have some gaps in my memory. I remember being excited to meet you, you introducing me as your friend ‘Valerie’, and then drinking a fuck ton. Other things are hazy and idk what was real and what was something I probably dreamt.”[/color] Normally she wouldn’t ask these things,but currently she didn’t care. She needed to know what happened or what Kaleb remembered. She also realized she’d have to explain things to Annya and the group this morning. That thought gave her a pang of anxiety, but she tried to ignore it for now.