[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/brausepulver-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211126/aace1e560f997c5e9315e2012670d064.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=1A9D60][i]"Oh dear here we go. Good luck Q-T! I really don't wanna be you right now..."[/i][/color][/center] [@King Cosmos][@deadpixel101][@DracoLunaris] [hr] CIC has done a dang good job making sure the weapons are auto-tracking the three targets. Their significant size making them relatively easy to lock and auto-track, but Almira herself was still a bit nervous. Sure, Sumiye has ordered the reactor to run at a quarter capacity, sufficient, so CIC says, to ensure full combat readiness with some power being redirected from other parts of the ship. But she still bit her finger a little bit, this is, quite literally, an unknown unknown. She doesn't know their capabilities, and hopefully the Dragons don't know about what this ship's capable of. [color=1A9D60]"Hey, anyone heard about D&D? That one tabletop RPG that used to be popular in the 21st century? Heh, who would've thought right?"[/color] She tried cracking a joke, her nervousness very visible for everyone to see. [color=1A9D60]"See, I've heard that Dragons in D&D are categorized as Good, Neutral, or Evil. And they say that the Dragons with Red Coloring's pretty evil, while the yellow one's good. I... forgot about what color neutral Dragons should take. But if it's blue, then..."[/color] "Captain." An officer interrupted. "Q-T Brackman's out in a jetbike." [color=1A9D60]"Good, track her, tell her to move 500 meters away from the edge of the bow of the ship. Stop there, signal to us if she's okay, and then signal to the dragons. Do a lightshow or something."[/color] "Yes Captain." [color=1A9D60]"Also, can you tell Q-T to show them my face in case they land in front of her. I wanna make sure that I get to talk to them face to face. Assuming they can talk of course."[/color] "Yes, of course. I will relay that to Q-T ma'am." Unfortunately, she was too focused on the job that she didn't hear much from Zoe. But she only gestured for her to stay in the bridge and probably inform the crew at the Botanical gardens should something go haywire. [hr] Galmira was not sure what to make of this mass of metal she's staring at. The Thunder Dragon eyed the object with curiosity, at first she thought that the meteor was just a chunk of rock that crashed into the Great Table. It visibly spooked the elders, themselves thinking that for such an object to crash at a place of great importance, a great change will come about in all societies in Friestan. While she does think that the Elders can be a bit kooky at times, this time though, they might be right. This looks unlike anything she has seen in her very long life. Nothing, not her time spent in Oberia, Takal, Putonghua, Kumandra, nothing has the aesthetic of this 'meteor', assuming you can call it that. And this 'meteor' also has humans running around inside of it? Just what is this thing exactly? Just then, Galmira saw a small figure darting out of the metallic object. An... automaton by the looks of it? She took interest in it, but then the Automaton seemed to... waved at her? It seems that this little metallic object wants to talk, she gestured at her friends, both of them nodded and seemingly agreed to cover her as she descended, and so she did. She is the only one here that knows how to speak in the lesser species' languages. The Elders will certainly be interested once she goes back home with news of this. She landed at the Great Table, her fluttering leaving a small snowstorm in her wake, before she transformed herself, revealing an enchantingly beautiful [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/d5d6e858284a4b13adab71591ca9509e/tumblr_oa9wpcz5AR1sc4ofso1_1280.jpg]humanlike[/url] form with elongated ears and three horns protruding from her head. What language will she choose... hmm, perhaps Pataliputran might be for the best, this is pretty close to Pataliputra after all. [color=fff200]"Greetings little one."[/color] She gestured at the Q-T unit. [color=fff200]"Might I ask, but where do you hail from? And why have you crashed at this Great Table?"[/color]