[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Rapid Reader][@Lewascan2] And with that, my laptop issues are handled for the time being. Thank you for your patience, and again, everyone writing for this little adventure has an additional day added to their counters on account of my involuntary tardiness. Be this 24 hours late, here is the penultimate post for the trade town of Darenby. Handle what you need to in town during this cycle; purchases, miscellaneous wrap-ups, etc. We've more or less got the party roster set, and we've been in Darenby long enough. If you have anything you need to buy in town, let me know and I will help wrap it up in a mostly behind-the-scenes fashion. Just credit a couple of sentences or so in the IC on its appropriation. Also, I wish to extend a more or less friendly reminder to please keep OOC observations and notations firmly in the OOC. Thanks again for making adventures in the Avonshire region part of your (at least) weekly schedule. I'm so grateful I might not drop a Tarrasque on you this round. [i]Might[/i] not.