[center][color=ed1c24][h1][b][b]Homura[/b][/b][/h1][/color] [h3][b]Heralds of Honor[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]—[/b][/center] They stood within the quiet keep, beside the warmth and light of the Eternal Fire. The hall had become so much more empty after hundreds of thousands of its denizens had found a new home, every step and breath felt more heard, more impactful. The remaining humans that slept were arranged on the smooth floor, all far from the bonfire, but still illuminated by its presence. Their pale forms were devoid of distinguishing features, while they waited for the ones that would awaken them one day. Homura remained silent, as her champions shared their stories with each other - there was much laughter, and an abundance of tears and apologies, but primarily it was relief they all felt. Relief that they had been reunited after all, and were able to enjoy a conversation like the one they were having: “What happened to each of you? Your hand is made of ice, Fear, and you had to be cleansed by our Maker, Courage. Both of you could have been lost forever… such terrible thoughts afflicted me. Why? Why did you not wait?” Kindness asked, keeping her sorrow repressed behind her controlled tone, and impassive mask, but she had begun to silently cry after questioning them. “I lost it when I tried reaching out to Courage…” “I had to eat something in order to survive, else I’d have drowned…” Both Courage and Fear could only find a few more words to describe their experiences before they concluded with how they had arrived back at Keltra. They had not returned on their own, and both would have perished had nothing come to save them. Kindness wondered why the world worked in such strange ways, cruel and compassionate, taking and giving, without warning, without a care for its inhabitants, it seemed that way to the quiet champion. “We cannot stand on our own yet. Please, do not heedlessly put yourselves at risk like that again. I cannot endure the thought of losing the two of you again. We stand together. No more foolish divisions between us. Understood?” The crying champion said when neither of her sisters seemed able to continue, and an awkward silence had lingered for too long. Both were hesitant to speak, as shame strangled their tongues, but they persevered and answered their sister with resolve once they realized they knew what was important to them. “I promise… not to do something like that again.” “Ya, I’ve learned my lesson. But… we’ve got to go help those that were taken. What if they’re in danger? We’re supposed to protect them!” Courage felt the fire within her simmering with anger, aware that she had let the thieves get away, and then almost caused the loss of both herself and her sister. The fire demanded that she take action, and help those that she felt she could save. “Our Maker has said that we are to let it go for now.” Kindness interjected, considering what to say to her reckless sister before continuing. “We will wait; were her words. Perhaps we can persuade her later, when the others return.” She suggested, hoping that the mention of a plan for the future would calm Courage. “Fine! Fine. It’s our time to listen to you, right?” With a sigh, Courage let the flames of frustration diminish, until she gave Kindness one of her wild grins. “Thank you, Courage. Your words mean a lot to me.” Kindness said, answering the liveliness of her sister with a small smile. “Gah, don’t say it like that. I’m just wanting to fix my mistakes, and make up for them now. Anyways, where are the others? I can’t believe they just took our colossi.” Courage could feel her cheeks heat up with embarrassment, and chose to hide her visible reaction by looking away. Neither of her sisters felt the need to mention that subtlety was not something the Courage ever utilized, or perhaps even understood. “Our colossi?” Fear asked, with a chuckle that teased her brash sister. “You know what I meant.” Courage replied, regaining her composure with a mock glare before playfully shoving Fear away. The anxious champion realized her mistake after pushing back, and began running around Kindness in an attempt to avoid Courage’s mighty retaliation. “They should return soon. They must hurry if we are to deliver our kin to Apostate by tomorrow.” Kindness explained, ignoring her sister’s antics. She thought it was fortunate that there were no other deities around, and that their Maker chose not to complain about their childish antics. She did not want to ask what the red goddess was pondering at that moment, for the quiet champion had still not forgiven her, especially when she had expected an apology at least. Instead, the goddess continued as she had before, and seemed to pretend that the potential loss of her heralds never happened. Kindness did not consider herself to be more compassionate than anyone else she had encountered in her travels, but for her Maker to demonstrate such an evident lack of any compassion had proven infuriating for her. “There’s still so much we missed. Come on, Kindness, what’s happened while we’ve been gone?” Courage asked, prodding her now after she had successfully enacted her retribution upon Fear. Kindness did not know why her smiles remained deep within her where others could not see them, but she would still feel them. “You have yet to meet Pride…” [h3][center][b]—[/b][/center][/h3] There was a loud crash in the distance, the roar of the sea as something massive stumbled in its waters. Kindness recognized the sounds of the colossi, and knew that their brief time of respite was over for now. She knew it by the look in the eyes of her Maker when she turned towards the trio. [b]“Your sisters have returned.”[/b] Homura announced, then stepped outside the keep to watch as her remaining champions came back from their journey through the realm of shadows to the lands of Orsus. Courage became excited, while Fear showed her apprehension by repeatedly averting her gaze from both of her sisters. Kindness took hold of her hand, while Courage led the way to the exit, exclaiming her desire to reunite with Curiosity and Wanderer, and introduce herself to the newest addition to their family. They could see the other Heralds of Honor leaping towards them with haste, one of the twins carrying the small shape of Pride in her arms. Kindness felt concern well up within her at the sight, and silently prayed nothing had happened during their trip. “We’re back!” Curiosity called, holding an exhausted Pride in her arms. All three of the newcomers seemed weary, diminished in some way, as though they were not touched by the light around them, or that the color of their shapes had been suppressed somehow. Wanderer held onto a wooden staff, while Pride clung to a knife in her hands. “We almost didn’t make it. The colossi were being difficult, and Pride felt more and more tired as we walked.” Curiosity explained, as she and Wanderer alighted before Homura and the trio beside her. The inquisitive champion appeared to be the least affected by fatigue, and looked to the Goddess of Honor for guidance. [b]“Hmm… come inside. You all deserve rest.”[/b] Homura said, gesturing with a tilt of her head towards the closest doorway. Like a shepherd, she followed all of her champions as they entered the keep. They gathered around the fire, but there was nowhere to sit, nowhere to really rest. Without any alternative, Curiosity laid her exhausted sister upon the floor beside the Eternal Fire, and seated herself next to the small champion. The others seated themselves nearby, and allowed the serene melody of the flames soothe them for a moment. Curiosity and Wanderer could already feel their strength returning. [b]“You were gone longer than expected. I was mistaken regarding the intentions of my brother. I underestimated how long you would be away, and for that, you have suffered. This was not my first mistake, and I doubt it will be my last, but I hope each of you will accept my apologies.”[/b] Homura began, her voice resonating with the dancing light in the vast hall. Whether it was intentional or not, the words of the Divine were incredibly difficult to ignore. [b]“Now that we are all together, there is much I must explain regarding the way of the world, and how we will continue to tread farther along the Sacred Path.”[/b] Homura continued, waving her hand through the air, conjuring red runes that encircled her fingers, then her hand, and then along her arm. [b]“If we cannot protect each other, how can we protect the lives beyond these walls?"[/b] The red goddess questioned both herself and her champions, as Daybringer shortened to the length of half her arm, and she waved it around to emphasize her speech. [b]“Even I cannot, with all the power of divinity flowing through me, prevent calamity from suddenly striking. I cannot prevent the suffering of the innocent, and the spreading of death and despair.”[/b] She continued, letting the weight of her words settle upon those that heard them. [b]“I have been a fool, and I have let harm befall those I wished to keep safe and happy. I ask that you forgive me for the common crime of incompetence. I promise to protect each of you from the cruelty of the world, so I have decided that all of you will remain here until I have removed all of the threats and dangers.”[/b] Homura proclaimed. “What!?!” Courage shouted, rising to her feet. Kindness and Fear arose as well, seeking to quell the outcries of their sister, while Curiosity stared at the goddess with confusion. “What do you mean?” The inquisitive champion hesitantly asked, alarmed by the sudden tension and turmoil. [b]“In order to prevent further pain and suffering, I shall keep all of you here in Keltra. You will have comforts provided to you, and will want for nothing. You will be safe. Please, you must understand that this is for your own good.”[/b] The red goddess answered, remaining seated, as Courage was pulled back by her two sisters, and brought back to the floor. “That’s not why you made us! We’re supposed to help ya! We can’t do that trapped here!” Courage exclaimed, striking the stone floor with her fists. “Ow!” She cried, finding that the stone was more resilient than she thought. “You’re just going to leave us?” Fear felt dread, wondering if this was her fault… if their Maker was leaving because she was a burden… a nuisance. She had to find a way to prove herself, quickly, before it was too late. [b]“I will return often. There is no need to be afraid.”[/b] Homura answered, before she stood up. She wore a small smile that seemed more like a shadow, it lacked the joy of a proper smile, and did not reach her eyes which were filled with regret. “You anointed me Keeper of Keltra, so I can just say that everyone is allowed to leave.” Pride countered, the conviction and intimidating intent she wanted in her words was lessened by the arms of Wanderer wrapped around her head. “Sister, now’s not the time.” The small champion complained. [b]“You still serve me, Pride. If you prove to be a poor servant, I will choose another to be Keeper.”[/b] The red goddess warned with a calm tone that greatly perturbed Pride. None of the champions were changing the decision Homura had made, but they could not surrender. “She’ll only be persuaded by strength! We must unite against her!” Pride proclaimed, as she pointed the sheathed knife she held at her Maker. There was silence as all remained still after the small champion announced her challenge. Homura shook her head in disappointment. [b]“I grow tired of the act of defiance. There is no point in this -”[/b] “Whoever fights beside me shall get free hugs for a day!” Pride interrupted the Goddess of Honor, and her words stirred Curiosity and Wanderer into action. Both champions lunged towards their Maker with hands stretched out to tackle her. Homura repeatedly stepped back to avoid being grappled by the two, dodging swiftly, and warding them away with Daybringer. Kindness let go of Courage, and charged as well. Leaping over her two sisters and her Maker, then alighting on the other side, before attacking Homura from behind. Fear could not keep Courage back by herself, and the brash champion freed herself from Fear’s grip, before she also joined Curiosity and Wanderer in their assault. Their fists and feet became streaks of red light as they punched and kicked with all of the strength they could muster, the air hissing as it became heated by their incredibly fast movements. However, Homura was faster, and not a single attack landed upon her. From every side she was being assailed by her champions encircling her, and she found herself trapped, and with reluctance, she began to retaliate. The blunt end of Daybringer struck Curiosity in the stomach, sending her flying deeper into the vast hall, then with a swirl Homura hit Kindness with the shaft of her spear, and kicked Courage in the face. Both champions were tossed aside from the force of the blows, and only Wanderer stood facing the goddess. The silent champion attempted to punch Homura, but her fist was caught in her Maker’s hand, and Wanderer could do nothing as she was swung and thrown back. [b]“You cannot defeat me, enough with this nonsense.”[/b] The Goddess of Honor stated, feeling frustrated that it had come to this. “Doesn’t mean we’re going to give up.” Courage answered, rising to her feet, and ready to fight once more. Her sisters that had been flung similarly stood again, refusing to lay down in defeat. “Going to have to hit a lot harder than that, ya know.” Courage taunted, with a wild grin. The brash champion ran to Curiosity, and the two shared a look, quickly formulating a plan. A simple plan: Throw the other at the goddess with as much strength as possible. Curiosity leapt into the air, and Courage positioned herself beneath her, so when the weight of the world pulled the inquisitive champion back down, her feet gently alighted upon her sister’s palm. Then Courage leaned back before hurling her sister towards Homura at mach-speeds. Meanwhile, Kindness and Wanderer worked together to distract the goddess, focusing on striking her from opposite sides. Homura did not step back, or shift her footwork at all, only a single hand to fend off their attacks. When Curiosity came soaring towards them faster than their eyes could perceive, accompanied by a thunderous boom that echoed throughout the vast hall, it seemed as though they may finally land a hit on Homura. The goddess deftly caught Curiosity, before she proceeded to use the now disoriented champion as a weapon to smack away Kindness and Wanderer, followed by Courage as well. Then Homura smashed Curiosity into the floor. Fear could only watch as her sisters were all easily defeated, and found herself struggling to find a solution to this terrible situation. Her thoughts were interrupted by Pride calling out to her. “Fear, throw this at her!” The small champion commanded while she was preoccupied with protecting an egg, directing Fear’s attention to a dark orb. The five fighters facing the goddess regained their strength, and continued to their battle, swarming her relentlessly, then desperately. They coordinated their attacks, and fought together like one cohesive force, dancing the rhythms of combat. Fear sought to aid them, and aimed the orb directly at her Maker. She threw it, and it soared towards its target, creating an ear-piercing whistle as it flew. Unfortunately the orb had struck Courage in the back of the head, causing her to fall on the ground and trip Curiosity. The orb fell onto Wanderer’s foot, and the silent champion became still. Kindness was the only one to remain engaged with the Goddess of Honor, but she posed no threat by herself. Fear watched, mouth agape as her contributions had only harmed her sisters. [b]“Enough with this nonsensical farce. Your futile resistance will not change my mind.”[/b] Homura declared, as she hit the floor with the bottom of Daybringer. The strike unleashed a great boom that pushed the five champions away. “You can’t make us stay here.” Pride argued, as Courage stood up and added, “We can… do this all day.” Her defiant words ushered her sisters back to their feet, and they prepared themselves to fight once more. [b]“We shall see how long this foolish opposition lasts then.”[/b] Homura remarked, as her Heralds of Honor rallied against her. [h3][center][b]—[/b][/center][/h3] Though she would never say it aloud, the Goddess of Honor really regretted saying those words. The sun had descended long ago, and the darkness of night blanketed the land beyond Keltra. They had been fighting for too long, and Homura knew that she was late now. The fourth day had passed, and it would take another day just to reach the specified location Apostate had described. Unfortunately, she could not see a way to resolve her current predicament either: Courage, Kindness, Fear, Curiosity, Wanderer, and even Pride had fully committed themselves to fighting her, but were unable to harm her, however, she seemed unable to overcome them as well. Every time she beat them and tossed them aside, they would rise again and repeat the process of being beaten once more, again and again. Homura had immediately realized that they were sustaining themselves through the power provided by the Eternal Fire, but she was surprised to discover that they were also tapping into her own power. Unless she destroyed them, they would simply regain their strength and continue to fight her. [b]“Enough!”[/b] She called out, and the attacks finally came to a halt. Pride had climbed atop her shoulders, and was trying to stab her with that knife Tuku had given her. Fear and Courage had wrapped themselves around her legs, which was annoying, while Kindness and Curiosity had taken hold of her arms so that Wanderer could whack her with that stupid staff. They had become a heap of entangled limbs, and Homura wanted to be free of this idiocy. “Do you surrender?” Pride asked, threatening to try to stab her again if she gave the wrong answer. The Goddess of Honor did not know how to prevent her creations from simply leaving once she departed to go deliver the sleeping humans to Apostate. She needed her champions to promise that they would remain here. [b]“I cannot surrender. Listen to me. Your actions will only bring greater suffering, so please do as I say to prevent needless pain.”[/b] Homura said while Pride seemed to consider which eye to stab with her knife. “No… I think not. I propose an alternative: Why don’t we negotiate?” The small champion suggested. [b]“Hmm?”[/b] So an armistice was held, and Homura stood before her six heralds to hear their demands. Despite the fact that they had fought for the entire day, there was no damage to the keep itself, and the heralds seemed completely fine. Pride expressed her thanks when the only thing that had been in danger, the egg Tuku had given her, was protected from their battle by a barrier Homura had created. “We’re not your prisoners. You can’t keep us locked away here. We want to help you too, and protect the world from evil.” Pride started, her sisters nodding in agreement. The small champion was currently held by Fear, the bigger champions proposing they each take turns for the day of free hugs they had been promised. [b]“You do not understand the dangers out there. When the world is ready for you, I will allow you to explore it. To help it grow.”[/b] Homura said, rejecting what Pride had said, with words that insisted there was no room for argument. “But nobody can change that alone. Didn’t ya say that before!” Courage countered, her tone suggesting that she would be ready to fight again. [b]“If I must sacrifice myself, then I will. None of you… should face death, or know despair. It would be too much.”[/b] The red goddess answered, though it seemed she spoke to herself as much as she spoke to her champions. “We’re not afraid!” Fear cried out, as though the words of Homura stabbed into her chest and exposed her weak heart. The anxious champion could hear herself whispering in her mind; the goddess was referring to her, the cowardice she continually expressed, and her constant failure to live up to the expectations of her Maker. [b]“You will be. I will let you taste an iota of the suffering you could endure in the outside world then.”[/b] With that statement, the light of the Eternal fire seemed to fade, and shadows that had claimed the edges of the vast hall crept closer and closer, until their looming presence was akin to a sea of darkness all around. [b]“You would be broken...”[/b] Homura said, and Curiosity screamed in agony as her limbs burst in a sudden shower of gore and viscera that sprayed Wanderer and Kindness who had stood close to their inquisitive sister. Curiosity fell to the ground, soaked in her own blood, and a puddle of what was once her arms and legs. Her screams swiftly came to halt as her ribs ripped out of her chest, and more of her innards erupted outwards. [b]“You would be burned, or perhaps boiled…”[/b] All of the champions were still too stunned to react, and could do nothing when Wanderer began to scream like her sister had. The blood that stained her began to steam, and she fell to the floor as well, spasming and squirming helplessly. Kindness dropped to her knees, trying to comprehend what her senses were telling her… Curiosity and Wanderer were dying. [b]“You would be defiled.”[/b] The stone beneath Kindness sprouted hands that grasped her, groped her, and strangled her. Their fingers sank into her skin, and tore apart her clothes. She could not break free, and only struggled in vain as the hands continued to scar and choke her. Their fingers and palms cracked, and released a grotesque sweat that seeped into the wounds where they held her. “AHHH!!!” Courage charged towards where Kindness was restrained, and began tearing away at the hands that assailed her sister. No matter how many she tore off, another would replace it, and Courage could not find the strength within her to overcome the army of stone appendages. Neither the Eternal Fire or the Goddess of Honor was supporting her, and her Spirit seemed so far away. She had nothing that could save her sister. “You’re wrong!” Pride bawled, shaking with terror and grief. She had stumbled after attempting to take a step forward, and fell onto the floor. She managed to feebly push herself up, before pointing a trembling finger at Homura. “Why?” She asked while she wept, the large tears trailing down her face. [b]“You would be devoured.”[/b] The red goddess continued, and the floor around the small champion shifted as well. It split beneath her, turning into a many sharp toothed maw that trapped Pride between its teeth. It crunched her legs, and Pride joined the cacophony of screams that echoed in the darkness, as she desperately tried to pull herself free with her little arms. Crunch. She was pulled in deeper. Crunch. Deeper. “Pride!” Courage yelled, calling out to her sister, reaching outwards with one hand that was too far to offer salvation to Pride. Pride tried to reach out to her sister, wanting to be touched, wanting to be saved, she didn’t want to die here. Courage could do nothing as she watched the floor consume the Keeper of Keltra, with another crunch, and all that remained was Pride’s hand before that too was eaten. [b]“You would be betrayed.”[/b] Homura stood behind Fear, caressing the one champion that had remained completely still throughout the ordeal. Her hands stroked Fear’s arms, soothing them, and invigorating them. A serpentine blade appeared in the hand of the anxious champion, and the red goddess whispered into her ear. “Fear! Fear! Help me!” Courage called out to her sister, as Homura stepped back, and watched. The champion with a dagger approached her sister, then leapt upon her like a ferocious animal, stabbing and stabbing, over and over again, until Courage was dead. Fear fell back, dropping the blood stained blade onto the floor. “Please don’t kill me! Kill me! I did it, like you asked. Courage… please no… I’ll do anything you ask, just don’t hurt me! Why!?! Why…” Fear swayed back and forth, she stumbled and warred with herself. She was overwhelmed by the chaos and death all around her. [b]“You would drown in despair.”[/b] Homura said, staring at the carnage, at the horrifying scene she had described. Everything that she was afraid would happen. That she could not prevent. Her heart ached, and she only wanted to end this. To be free of that which frightened her terribly so. She performed a simple gesture; a lackadaisical wave of the hand. The shared ideabstractions of the champions all dying faded away, and all six of them were standing where they stood before each of their torturous demise. Though their wounds had vanished, their minds recoiled from the pain they had suffered. The Heralds of Honor had found their resolve shaken. This was not what Homura had wanted to achieve, and she hated seeing the hurt in their eyes. She wished that there were other ways to make them understand, but she could find none. [b]“I did not want this… I only wanted you to comprehend what a terrible fate awaits you outside… Now you understand.”[/b] There was no rest for the wicked, and she was a devil that had too much work to do. An infinite amount of work. Would they forgive her when all was done, and they lived in a world where they would not be subject to the suffering they had just endured. “No… That’s just wrong, ya know.” Courage managed to speak, straining with every breath, as she placed a hand over her chest, remembering the piercing pain of the dagger Fear had used to stab her, but that was not real, and there were no wounds. She looked to her anxious sister, who stared at her own hands like she did not recognize them. Fear could see her own distorted reflection in the shimmering ice of her frozen hand, and it stared back at her with horror. [b]“The war is coming, it has already begun, and-”[/b] “It doesn’t matter! You’re wrong!” Courage shouted. “We would still stand with you! We would still fight! We are all you after all, idiot!” Her interruption caused Homura to become silent, and it encouraged another to speak up. “If you left, we’d be missing one member of our family.” Pride stated, gesturing to her sisters, before continuing. “We’re supposed to stay together. Rely on each other. If you left now… we’d always be sad. I’d rather face the unknown, even the horrible fates you’ve described, if the time we have now… is filled with love.” The small champion said, hoping her words reached her Maker. [b]“I will not allow you to die-”[/b] “You are alienating us. Can you not see the hypocrisy of your actions? You wanted to unite the world, not divide it, yet you are distancing yourself from us. Keeping us away and locked in a would-be prison. We will not accept your selfish desire to save us.” Kindness interjected, silencing Homura again. She stared stoically at her Maker, before turning to Fear, and whispering words of comfort along with putting a hand on her shoulder. [b]“I just want all of you to be happy.”[/b] “Do you love us?” Curiosity asked, approaching the goddess, and looking at her with wide and inquisitive eyes, seeking a meaningful answer. She would only accept the truth, and nothing else from her Maker. Homura had withstood their hours of assault, then she had briefly retaliated with the terrible crimes the evil in the world would commit against them, and yet they still refused to accept her offered sanctuary. She was outnumbered, not matched in strength, but unable to overcome their resistance to her wants. She was fighting against herself, six simulacrums of herself to be exact. Much like before, they were using her own power against her, tapping into her presence and the presence of the Eternal Fire. Their words were infused with the essence of divinity, and their sorrow was suppressed by an aura of perseverance. Homura could see Courage weaving resilience and hope on unseen threads through her sisters and herself. She had to admit she was impressed by her reckless champion. [b]“I… do. You know that.”[/b] “Then be more gentle. Show us compassion, not cruelty. Be our mother, not our Maker, please.” Pride pleaded, approaching the goddess, and accompanied by all of her sisters. Homura could see that all of them were confused and uncertain about their relationship towards her. They wanted her affection and approval, but she had been an aloof deity that refrained from showing her more mortal characteristics. Another mistake she had made then… Homura realized. “You’re too far from us. We want you to feel the fire within us. Talk to us, and hold us when you’re sad.” Curiosity said, fiddling with her hands, wanting to peel away what felt like an unseen barrier between them and their Maker. Wanderer simply threw Pride at Homura, letting the goddess easily catch the small champion who had let out a quick gasp upon being tossed. The stern scarlet eyes locked onto Wanderer before turning to Pride. Without warning, Homura found herself being hugged, as all of her champions surged towards her, embracing her with their arms. [b]“So be it…”[/b] The red goddess relented when she found that she could not refuse their requests any longer. She would just have to become stronger to protect them from the danger of death and despair. She has to succeed. “You did mention something about providing comforts.” Pride murmured, enjoying the fact that she was probably in the most comfortable position of their group hug. “The power of the pipsqueak has become too strong.” Courage teased, and internally celebrated their victory over the Goddess of Honor. [h3][center][b]—[/b][/center][/h3] [b]“There is little time, but I will eventually teach you this spell. The Incantation of Making. It is one of the most difficult spells in Gnostic Sorcery, but it is also one of the most powerful.”[/b] Homura spoke and slowly danced as streams of light swirled around her. Shimmering runes appeared on the floor near them, and the light soared towards those otherworldly symbols. Manifesting from seemingly nothing, a soft red carpet covered the floor, then numerous pillows to lay upon. The champions leapt onto their new decorum, and relaxed in a hastily gathered together pile of pillows. All except for Fear, who asked the goddess a question. [b]“Hmm… of course.”[/b] Homura answered, and a large plushie of Viho suddenly appeared. The other champions took notice of their sister’s request, and asked for more to appear until each of them had their own white owl to rest against. Pride was also given a table to keep all of her accumulated artifacts upon. [b]“Rest now, all of you. You are exhausted, and require a respite. I shall watch over you.”[/b] The red goddess proclaimed, letting her words lull them into slumbering state with a simple enchantment, though it seemed some stayed wakeful for a moment longer. “Good night, mother.” Pride, Curiosity, and Fear said. “Ya, what they said.” Courage added. [b]“Hmm… good night.”[/b] Homura replied, finding that she still struggled to say the words, even though it was what she wanted. This is something she would have to practice, she realized. That… and she was definitely late and she expected Apostate would disapprove. [hider=Summary]-Homura’s champions gather within the Keep of Keltra. -Homura makes an announcement. -Her champions disagree with that announcement. -Homura disagrees with their disagreement. -They resolve the argument, and Homura bids her champions rest well after going through a lot. Then she realizes that she is late for her meeting with Apostate.[/hider] [hider=Vigor]Cycle 3 Homura's Vigor total: 7. Vigor spent: 0. Remaining Vigor: 7. Courage, Kindness, Fear, Curiosity, Wanderer, Pride all gain 3 Spirit. (+1 Minimum, +1 Medium Post, +1 Long Post)[/hider]