[center][h3]Anna Kerensky[/h3][/center] [hr] "This is some bougie shit," Anna added with a roll of her eyes, childishly kicking a rock that lay in front of her. The drugs were fading and she felt suddenly annoyed. Angry even. Why was she out of her bed? Why was she staring at a murder scene? Why hadn't they bought more donuts? That was the real question. The really important question. Grabbing a nearby stick, she poked idly at the ink-stained gravel. It was ink she reasoned with an annoyed frown. There wasn't much she could tell from just looking at it. She doubted there was anything more to learn. Other than that it was ink. Gross ink. "Nothing interesting about this, it's the same [i]gross[/i] stuff from before, comrades," she added with a bored shrug as she looked or perhaps glared at Eleanor. "Looks like the trail leads towards the waterfront, maybe our killer wanted to buy some cool books after their little painting session? I wonder if we are dealing with some jilted artist type? Maybe the magical killer got a bad review and decided to take it out on the dead dude?"