[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HtwDQlY.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kBn0kZr.png[/img][/center] [color=68894D][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [color=68894D][b]Location:[/b][/color] River Port, Cheap Inn [color=68894D][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Kaleb [@FunnyGuy] & Eris [color=68894D][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] Bowyn [@ Helo] [color=68894D][b]Outfits:[/b][/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/vAZMiZl.png]Eris New Outfit[/url] [url=https://imgv2.staticdj.com/1badd56c205f0002dabd7c47943882b2_750x.jpg]Raven New Outfit[/url] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0QaXHmH.png[/img][/center] [hr] Bowyn? Oh yes, Raven did remember Bowyn now that she was thinking more about it. He was quite the grumpilumpikus, but he became more enjoyable as he drank. She also recalled Eris paying for his drinks along with the rest of theirs. In fact, Eris had paid for quite a lot and didn't seem to bat an eye at it. Of course Raven didn't know the economy of this world, but she guessed Eris was rather well off with how she paid for things without second thought. She did say that Raven would need to pay her back for this new outfit, however. That was fine, she'd find some way to repay the woman for her kindness. Kaleb continued, explaining how Raven was really drunk and ended up really just needing someone. She slowly pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly to her as a memory reared its ugly head. A bad breakup, the desire to forget things, drinking with a group of strangers from a Con, and then…[color=E795F9]"At least you're in a hotel room this time and not alone and naked in a forest."[/color] She mumbled, then realized she actually said that out loud. She quickly looked back up to Kaleb, unsure if he'd heard her or not. She laughed a little nervously, trying to quickly brush aside what she'd said. [color=E795F9]"Uh what I mean is this definitely isn't the worst situation I've been in...Not that this is a bad situation at all! Last night was a lot of fun! I just- it's-"[/color] Stupid, that's the word going through her mind. She was panicking because she didn't want to offend Kaleb and in her panic she kept digging herself a deeper hole. She let out a frustrated noise as she dropped her head to her knees, falling silent for a moment. [color=E795F9]"I'm sorry, sometimes I suck at communicating. What I mean is I've had some bad experiences with being black out drunk and so when I don't immediately remember things the next morning I get scared. You'd think I'd learn, but I don't. I'm an idiot that's addicted to repeating the same mistakes."[/color] She forced herself to look back up at Kaleb, a smile on her face as if to say she was okay, but her eyes told a different story as she forced back tears. Meanwhile, Eris had made her way down into the tavern of the inn. A familiar face was behind the bar and she beamed as she approached them. [color=68894D]"Ruvyn, darling, how have you been?"[/color] The male elf glanced up and, upon seeing Eris, his face lit up. [Color=4d6889]"Well my day just got a whole lot better now that I know you're here. Tell me, what brings you into town?"[/color] He asked as he leaned against the bar. [color=68894D]"Oh you know, the usual. Trade, fun, mischief."[/color] She smirked at the man who laughed at her antics. While she was teasing, she wasn't entirely lying. She was in the mood for some fun and mischief. [Color=4d6889]"Well it sounds like a grand time. Well what can I do for you?"[/color] While he enjoyed seeing her face he knew she likely needed something. He'd seen her with two others the night before and had a feeling he could guess what she needed. [color=68894D]"If I could get three coffees that would be marvelous, but could you make two of them your special hangover cure. I promise I'll compensate you for it."[/color] She gave him a playful wink which in return earned her a chuckle, but a smirk and nod. Soon enough she had three coffees, two of them laced with medium health potions to help cure those nasty hangover headaches. She slid 20 amas over to him as she scooped up the coffees, she left him with a promise of seeing him later before heading back up to the room. [color=68894D]"I do hope you two aren't having too much fun in here."[/color] She said jokingly as she entered the room, quickly taking note of everything. [color=68894D]"My dear friend Ruvyn is down there right now and I couldn't be more pleased. He makes the BEST coffee that's said to cure hangovers in minutes."[/color] She said as she handed Raven one of the coffees, noting the look on her face. She then moved over to Kaleb, handing him one of the special coffees with a sweet smile before gracefully sitting next to him and sipping her own. [color=68894D]"Hopefully I wasn't interrupting anything?"[/color] She asked as she looked between the two.