[center][h2]Fight or Flight?[/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [indent]As everyone expressed their questions to Sa’Cha, he knew it would be too much to go into detail at the moment, but he would tell them everything when he was ready. Yes, they now knew he had this special gift or was it a glittery curse that others wanted? He scratched the back of his neck at the mention of the date with Finn. He was thankful his little display hadn’t deterred him, but their attention fell on the ship. It was massive. How it managed to stay hidden so long was nothing short of a miracle. Noise. Someone’s voice filled the cavern and Sa’Cha turned, but no one was there. His brilliance was dimming when he realized the voice had come from above and not behind them. There was enough light filling the cavern that everyone could see the vast underground waterway that led in three different directions. They could see the roof of the cave and how sharp spiky protrusions lined it as if waiting for someone to make a mistake. Suddenly, a loud screech filled the cavern with sound yet again as Heath came plummeting into the water a few feet from them. The splash equated to Heath's muscular build. Sa’Cha raised an eyebrow, forgetting that they had a tag-along, but curious as to how long he’d been looking for them. As he watched Heath swim to the shore, he smiled. “Well, you made it just in time. We stumbled on this lovely number and were about to check it out.” Sa’Cha turned and took a step forward when a weird noise came from the ship. Motors turned as a doorway appeared at the front of the ship. A long escalator-like stairway slowly reached out until it parked a few feet from them as if someone was waiting for them, in fact, someone was. Deep in the ship, Zordon had awoken with the sound of the earthquake and explosion caused by Sa’Cha. He examined the human teens as they exchanged what they would do after finding the ship and noticed Sa’Cha’s display of magic. “Hmmm.” Zordon moved towards the boxes containing the nanites for each past ranger that he’d managed to save after their hellish fight with [i]her[/i] so long ago. Could these teens be the next in line as the prophecy foretold? He would need to test them to make sure, but how? One by one [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjY2YmE4MTgtZmExZi00OTk0LWIxMTQtYmZjYzA5NTNmMWJhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDAyMjk2NDI@._V1_.jpg]humanoid alien creatures[/url] about five feet in height descended the stairs. Sa’Cha looked at the others and back to the things exiting the ship. “Ummm, we come in peace, I guess,” he said as the first creature hissed loudly. There were five in total and each jumped towards one the teens. This was Zordon’s test, to see if they had what it took to wear the suits. Sa’Cha immediately dodged out of the way, eyes widening in shock. “Oh, come on,” he said, annoyed that someone else was trying to end them.[/indent]