[@Lemons][@Rekker][@BenG85][@Tally Dor] First things first: I will be giving [@TGM] some extra time to finish their sheet as they have spoken to me about the RP. But otherwise, welcome to the reviews! [@Lemons] I have no pressing issues with your sheet. However, I do ask if you could resize her FC. As it stands now, her image is giant, even when I view her sheet on my PC. Also, just quick note: The USAF didn't exist in WW2, it was bundled in the Army as the USAAF. Not sure if you knew or it was a minor typo, but I figured since it's something important to your character I should probably point it out. [@BenG85] My main issue is that his personality section is barebones. Like, really barebones. Other than that, could you maybe find another blue that's more easier on the eyes? [color=blue]Always drives me insane[/color] because it doesn't contrast well with RPG and is difficult to make out. Maybe [color=dodgerblue]dodgerblue[/color]? [@Rekker] No issues or concerns to report. I like what I see. [@Tally Dor] Pretty basic character sheet, but there's nothing wrong with basic. My main issue would be the same with Ben's; to expand on the character traits some more. [hr] Now, on to other matters. Since we only have 4 (not counting myself or TGM) character sheets, I will be accepting each and every one of you. Had we had more apps things would've been different, but I feel accepting all four sheets is best in the case people drop from the RP and we don't immediately find ourselves stonewalled by it in the RP.