[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uurhDHh.jpg[/img][/center][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HtvPRRx.png[/img][/center]The cloud that drew even Runa’s attention moved at a remarkable speed. By the time the group got to actually moving it long sing blanketed the entrance of their camp. The stones rotted where they stood. large chunks of the structures fell apart and crumbled to dust as the call of death spread out like a living plague. Although Runa’s instincts led the group out of harm’s way for now, the constant hush of a cold breath to the back of their necks was a heavy reminder of the threat that continued to hound them, hound all in the Abyss. It was by this instinct that led Runa towards the pitch dark opening of the caverns where all light was swallowed. One by one they were expected to cross over the other side, rewarded with more twisting and turning internal structures that only made the head hurt the longer one stared at them. Near-immediately in crossing the black expanse did the air change. It was minute, small, but noticeable all the same, yet no sign of anything physical changed around them. The lights provided by the tunnel cracks did well in keeping the path open to their eyes but there were still patches of darkness here and there. The staircase Runa led them to each held little corners of darkness embedded in the walls as if trying to find refuge from the glaring light that provided them sanctum. [color=magenta]“What are you doing Riku.”[/color] The voice was just as cold as the air the princess breathed, if not colder. It was one very familiar to her ears as well. There, hidden in one of the larger crevices of darkness around the group, was a flash. The [url=https://i.imgur.com/IN3mIRS.jpg]owner of the voice[/url] stared back at the girl whenever she locked sight and caught a glimpse. [color=magenta]“What is that ridiculous outfit. What are you [i]doing here[/i]?”[/color] the figured said in veiled hisses, dripping with a steady frustration that matched her expression. If Thomas noted the concern of his newfound friend, it wouldn’t be for long. Just as soon as he’d turn away, his own eyes would catch sign of another dark crevice. Staring back at him from its opening was a [url=https://i.imgur.com/C3pkVZr.png]man[/url]. He said nothing, only looking through the boy with a stare that could pierce stone and bone. Flesh seemed to be as thin as paper compared to the man’s sight, one that read Thomas over. [color=springgreen]“Playing pretend Magical Girl, Kanbaru? Get real,"[/color] snarled a voice only the hunter could hear. There was no specter to manifest before her, no physical shape like the others. There was only the annoyance that bristled against Kanbaru’s ear from the darkness, one all too familiar. [hr]