Trina had hidden up high, far out of eye level of a bunch of goblins. Now they were all being rather focused on her teammates and being mowed down... Sort of. The ones that should have died from that electricity just now were starting to twitch. "Damnit, who fu--" Trina started to question before looking over at the group of goblins and noticing a certain one with a staff. "Fine, if no one else will, I damn well do it my damn self." The little flying fairy said she hugged the ceiling. She quickly zipped along the corner, above Goblin eye level and away from goblin focus. Quiet as a mouse, she made it to the back of the goblin troop and looked at the one with the staff and a deer skull with sickly green glowing eyes. From a position basically above this magic user, she descended quickly and put her hand to the creature's neck, delivering a rather obnoxious shock to it's neck. At least, that was the plan. As she got closer, she noticed a certain partner of hers was using her amazing attack powers to fog the area. None of those other bozos would have the brains to do something like this after all! Still... she was just about at the Goblin's neck when the blades of water hit the goblin. Well, this was actually a pretty good thing. Water just made the electricity hurt more. There was that one time.... Uhh... What's her name. The Lightning Fairy girl from forever ago.... She accidently hit that pond with electricity and all the fish went glugglugglug.... It was kinda funny. As soon as the Goblin staggered from getting hit, the fairy quickly went to his neck and delivered as strong an electric shock as she could muster before backing off... And picking his spooky deer skull hat off his head with her super special lifting magic!