[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/PJVn13TQ/What-If-Logo.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@Kirah][/center][hr] [h3]Entering the city streets[/h3] Thalia was rather glad when the guy disappeared from Jade throwing him into his own black hole, which was a bit strange to think about, but whatever, she wasn't exactly complaining about it. She nosedived straight to the ground, catching herself a few feet away from it and swooped upwards slightly, before landing fully on the ground, and her wings folded up before seeming to disappear entirely. [color=silver]"Well that was fun..."[/color] she commented, and Ed would notice that Reaper was either playing dead or was knocked out entirely and not moving anymore. [color=silver]"Though hopefully no one notices these three are missing or whatever to go alert anyone else that we're here, but so much for being stealthy anyway considering that probably caused a lot of noise..."[/color] she added, before looking back at the other two. There wasn't too much of a commotion anymore, and the streets were once more being eerily quiet, and completely empty aside from them. There wasn't too much of an indicator about where they should go now. Though trying to locate anyone or something in a rather large area was not exactly going to be relatively easy all things considering. Glancing over at the two of them again, she asked, [color=silver]"So, anyone have any ideas? Considering the fact that we are kind of alone on the streets for the moment or whatever... If we don't care about trying to stay on the lowdown I could fly up again real quick, get an aerial view of the city from above, see if there is any sort of indicator about where we should go... Or we can wander around the streets a little bit and try something like that. I don't really care much either way."[/color] [h3]Pile of Rubble[/h3] Sabretooth was [i]not[/i] happy with the others, or the fact that he also just had a building dropped on him. He had no idea who had caused the building to collapse, however here were a bunch of pesky people who were standing around, so [i]clearly[/i] they had something to do with it right? He was growling a bit, before he started throwing rubble a bit at everyone in front of him, which just so happened to be Cass, Mary and Pietro. He started chucking rubble once again, and this time he completely missed Cass, the rock missing her entirely. Mary ended up getting thrown backwards by the one that had slammed into her, but she managed to get back up from it, and Pietro easily dodged the one that had headed towards him. Speaking of Pietro, he was clearly annoyed with Sabretooth deciding to show up, so he instantly charged straight at him, and with a boom he slammed his fist into Sabretooth's head with a boom, sending him to the ground with one punch. Though unfortunately, he wasn't knocked out, and if anything Pietro likely pissed him off even more. Pietro was more or less causing a really big distraction, since Guin was busy getting people out of the rubble and he did not want Sabretooth to turn his attention towards that group. [color=007236]"This is getting more then a bit annoying,"[/color] Mary grumbled a bit, as vines started heading for Sabretooth now. She managed to wrap them around him, but Sabretooth was already easily fighting his way out of them. And honestly, they likely weren't going to hold him back for too long, so that was not something that was going to end well. They really needed to knock him out really quickly already. There wasn't really any movement over by the rubble, and Carolina had a few severe injuries that likely would need to be looked at from being buried underneath the rubble and all. However, after a few moments, Guin and Carolina would both see a very small ball of light more or less sort of float up from the rubble about 8 feet or so away from where Guin had unburied Carolina. That currently was the only sort of sign, and the ball of light dispersed rather quickly after a moment. There wasn't another one or anything though, and they were still getting lucky in the fact that Sabretooth was being thoroughly distracted from them.