[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/x53CUK7.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1BEFF2]Time: Morning Location: River Port Interactions: none Mentions: Arn [@Omni5876], Rue[@Potter], Kaleb[@FunnyGuy], Eris and Raven[@Tae] Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas. [/color] [hr] [color=B3E3E4]Bowyn awoke to find himself laying on a wooden floor next to a small puddle of drool and a disappointed empty bottle. Immediately, he tried to jump to his feet but the room felt like it was spinning from his sudden movement. The dizzy fairy slowly sank back down to the floor with his back pressed against the wall for support. Through squinted eyes, he tried to look around the room, which was filled with a horrible blinding light from an open window on a wall across from him. His head pounded, he could hear a bizarre ringing in his ears. [color=1BEFF2][i]No, that’s not in my head.[/i][/color] He thought as he realized the awful sound was a cacophony of seagulls shrieking as they flew around outside. [color=1BEFF2][i]Stupid, loud, fucking birds.[/i][/color] He thought as he began to remember where he was. A room, in an inn, by the beach in River Port. At least he knew where he was and he groaned with annoyance as he realized he was now terribly hungover and sober. Everything hurt, his back especially, from the weird way he’d passed out on the floor near the door, sleeping in such a way so that if anyone did enter the room he’d notice. His stomach was nauseous and tied up in knots that kept making him feel like he needed to vomit all while having nothing in his stomach to vomit up. A terrible headache and dizziness made standing up feel like a near-impossible task. But nature’s call rang and the need to piss eventually overrode the desire to crawl up into a ball and wait for death. On his way out of the room, he noticed that Arn’s bed was empty and unslept in. The dwarf hadn’t returned to the inn all night, yet another instance of strange behavior from Arn. Eventually, Bowyn found a bathroom in the inn and used the sink to give himself a makeshift bath as well. He smelled significantly better and the sunlight became almost tolerable as he adjusted to being awake. He still felt like shit so he rifled through his backpack until he found rolling papers and zemak. Slowly, Bowyn began to break up the dried plant and did his best to roll it up despite his shaking hands. He sat beneath the window and took a long slow drag on the joint which burned unevenly as he did so. The earthy taste did little to improve his dry mouth or the taste of bile that lingered in his throat but he held the smoke in his lungs for as long as he could, then let it out with a light cough. Bowyn thought back on the parts of last night he could remember; drinking with two elves was enjoyable, even he had to admit he liked them both better than expected. Eris had been quick to ensure the mead never stopped flowing, and both elves had a way about them that made it easy to feel relaxed with them. He remembered someone else joining them, Val, a feline, who had a lot to say about this Princess Annya. From the bits he could recall, the elven princess sounded much worse than Arn. The trio shared many of his same fears and reservations, they had even treated him like a friend, and without a need for secrecy between them all, he had let his guard down a bit. The only problem with last night was the absence of Rue. He continued to wonder if she bailed to avoid him or to get away from the elves. He couldn’t fault her for either; elves generally were an insufferable lot but a feeling in his gut told him it was more likely the first reason. He signed as the zemak joint began to burn a bit too close to his fingers and slowly stood up, flicking the end out the window. Bowyn changed into the clothes that Rue had given him the day before and felt another pang of guilt for having upset Rue. Bowyn then paced back and forth down the hallway outside of the room. He almost knocked on Rue’s door a couple of times, he wasn’t sure if she was still there or not but decided he didn’t want to wake her if she was asleep. Eventually, the pacing only made him feel dizzier and the sound of his footsteps began to grate on his nerves. He tried to think of what he would say to Rue, the best way to apologize, only to have his mind trail off on him and his thoughts drift to food. Bowyn started thinking about honey toast and his stomach growled.[/color]